07. Consideration.

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3rd person POV:

Taylor hated dreams because the only dreams she mostly had were nightmares. That night, she had a dream about her mom doing drugs and having an overdose. And when Taylor got there, she walked in just to see her mom on the floor and Marley crying and packing her bags, saying that she was leaving.

When she kept having dreams like that and there were no monsters, no darkness, and no extreme amounts of blood - she realised that not all nightmares have to be really scary. Some are just terrifying, but in a different way.

Suddenly, Taylor's phone rung and she shot up, grabbing her phone in the process. Once she saw that it was an unknown caller, she put it down and decided not to answer. Her eyes hadn't even adjusted yet, so they hurt like crazy.

On the other line was actually her cousin. He had recently gotten a new phone, so Taylor didn't have his number yet. He and his sister were going to visit soon, so they wanted to let Taylor know. But they couldn't do that if she wouldn't answer.

He called once again, so Taylor decided to answer because she got annoyed. "Who is it?" She asked. Kade, her cousin, decided that it'd be fun to trick her.

"Hi, I'm sorry to inform you, but your cousin Kade Jones was just recently in a car accident. I'm sorry, but he has passed away. I'll give you a number so you can know the funeral information." He said in a deep voice, so Taylor wouldn't recognise him.

"Excuse me?" She said. Her eyes started to tear up, but she quickly wiped them. "You're joking?"

Kade was having a great time with this. He somehow managed to hold back his laugh. "Unfortunately not. I'm very sorry. Would you like the number?" He asked. He couldn't believe that she actually believed this. But his sister, Alanna, walked in and gave him away.

"What the hell are you doing, stupid?" Taylor heard from the other line, so she instantly knew that it was a prank.

"Who is this?" She then asked, confused about what was going on.

Alanna took the phone out of Kade's hands and put it on speaker. "It's Alanna and Kade." She said, "I'm sorry about him. He's got a new phone, so he doesn't have your number yet."

Taylor smiled. "He's really convincing sometimes. Anyway, I haven't heard from you guys in ages! What's been going on?" She asked as she fully sat up.

"In a few days, we're coming over, so get ready." Alanna revealed. Taylor was about to say something about how excited she was, but then she stopped. They didn't know that she wasn't living there anymore. And they also didn't know about her mom either.

She had to think of something to say, so she just said, "Yeah, I'm excited. I can't wait. I'll have to, um, tidy the house, y'know." Maybe she'd have to go back to her mom's house for Alanna and Kade - but she really hoped not.

"You don't seem very excited. What's the matter?" Alanna asked as she sat on Kade's bed.

"Well, the house is a mess. Like a complete mess. My aunt went crazy, and she decided to have a full house cleanout. So she pulled everything out of the cupboards to get rid of the things we needed and didn't need." Taylor lied. It was the best lie she could come up with at that moment.

"Oh, yeah. Well, maybe we could help."

"No, no. We can't help." Kade said as he snatched his phone back. "Or I can't go."

"You just don't like helping." Alanna stated.

"That's not true." He said.

"I think it is," Taylor said.

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