05. Party gone wrong.

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3rd person POV

Johnny was gone for the whole day, and that really made Taylor angry. On the first night, he messed up by leaving his kid by herself. But his car did get set on fire by Louie and his punk friends, so he had a reason. But not excuses.

Taylor had to take the bus to school that day, but it didn't matter because she liked buses, anyway. She was sitting in class, doing a practice test. She hated studying and doing tests. Usually, in the middle of writing things down, she would randomly just end up on her phone and forget about the test. Her teacher said that she needed to work on that, otherwise she would constantly fail.

"What's going on?" She heard Demetri ask Miguel, "The test is almost over."

"It's just a practice test. Relax." Miguel said before grabbing his pencil.

"Easy for you to say. You have a girlfriend." Demetri told him. Taylor turned around to look at the two to listen in.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Miguel asked quietly.

"I gotta do well on these, so I do well on the actual test, so I get into a good college, which will lead into a good internship, then a high-paying job, and then, after a couple promotions, I should have enough confidence to get a super hot girl." Demetri explained.

"Wow, you've definitely planned out your whole life, Demetri." Taylor told him. She hadn't even thought about college. She didn't know what to do after high-school. Though her mom told her that they should start looking because she was 16 and she needed to be prepared for when the time comes.

"Yeah. He's got the karate thing. I gotta play the long game," Demetri said, looking back over at Miguel. Taylor nodded slowly before turning back around to finish her practice test off.

As Taylor was walking out the door just after class ended, she was met with Sam standing next to it. "Hey Sam." She said.

"Hey. Did you sort out that thing?" She asked softly.

"What thing?"

"You moving in with your dad?" she clarified.

Taylor nodded. "Moved in with him yesterday."

"How is it?" Sam asked. Taylor didn't want to say that it sucked because her dad ditched her to go to Daniel LaRusso's house, which was Sam's dad's house. If she did, Sam would probably freak out.

"It's going well. I'm enjoying it." She lied, "Now I gotta go. See you later?" Sam nodded and turned around, not leaving. She was probably waiting for someone.

Just as Taylor opened her locker to get her stuff out, Demetri turned up. "Hey there." He said.

"Yeah, hi," she said while sorting her stuff.

"Me and some friends are going to a park after school. You should show up and meet the team." He said in a weird voice, but trying to get Taylor to say yes.

She thought about it for a moment. "What team?" She asked, "You said you don't even do karate anymore."

"The team, meaning Eli, Miguel, and some other Cobra Kai students." He replied.

"Well, I'll message you to let you know." She smiled, closed her locker, and walked to her next class. Ever since the fight that Miguel had been in, she had been considering joining the dojo. But then she always remembers that her dad is the Sensei there, so she doesn't want it to be awkward. Nobody knew, though, except for Miguel and Demetri.

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