Chapter 2

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I wake up with a throbbing headache at 9am , I have no idea why though. Definitely should take some Paracetamol or maybe a warm shower will cure it, let's try both. I jump out of bed walking straight into the bathroom. I don't even bother looking in the mirror knowing that I look like crap, turning on the shower I strip and step in letting the warm water take over my body. I grab some shampoo and rub it into my hair and scalp doing the same with my conditioner. Stepping out I wrap myself up in my fluffy towel groaning when I see its raining outside. As you can see I am most definitely not a morning person.

I walk out of the shower and dry myself, then I put on some knickers and a bra. I walk over to my closet finding something to wear, as it is a relaxing day I decide on some black and white checkered leggings and a black top. Happy with my clothes i apply some moisturizer and some mascara. Finalizing my appearance I shove my hair into a messy bun and stroll down the stairs. Instantly spotting my parents I shriek out

"Happy 16th Anniversary!" Crushing them both in hugs and kisses. I have a great relationship with my parents and one day want to be exactly like them.

They thank me and I start to make my breakfast since they've already eaten.

After about 5 minutes of debating on whether to eat Pancakes or an Omelette I settle with always trusty Pancakes.

"So who have you invited over darling?" Dad asks

"Just the 3, Lilly, Jamie and Rose. We're just gonna have a quiet and relaxing day"

"That's great. We'll be leaving in about half hour and probably won't be back till late. Emergency contacts are on the fridge if anything happens"

I nod and carry on with my breakfast. After finishing I wash my dishes then walk up to my room and send a quick text the girls and Jamie letting them know they can come over now. After doing that I go into my parents room wanting to help my mum get ready. Honestly even at 37 my mum still slays. I think its the daily yoga sessions to be honest, which reminds me I should start yoga since I eat like a pig.

"Hey mum, you need help getting ready?"

"Sure, come help with my make-up"

I do as I'm told and walk over to where she's sat at her dressing table. As soon as I see her dress my jaw drops to the ground. She's wearing this gorgeous tight peach dress that fits her perfectly and hugs her curves in outstanding ways.

"Oh my gosh mum you look beautiful"

"Thank you baby" Mum says as she blushes

"Now for the make-up"

I apply a thin layer of foundation to her soft skin, adding some blusher and highlighter to it, then putting on a nice light peachy/pink eye-shadow on her eyes. Not a lot but enough to make her eyes stand out. I then add some mascara to brighten up her eyes some more and lastly finish with a beautiful pink lipstick knowing how much dad loves pink on her.

"All done, it looks gorgeous"

"Thank you sweetie, you did a great job" she says as she looks in the mirror with awe at her reflection.

We walk downstairs together seeing as its time they leave we exchange goodbyes and my father goes through the emergency details again.

"Go and have some fun tonight don't worry about me I'll be fine trust me!" is the last thing I say to them as I rush them out the door laughing.

It's about 11am now and I've been sat watching 'Friends' waiting for those 3 idiots to show up. As if on cue the doorbell rings playing the familiar tune of Jingle Bells. I jog to open the door being tackled by Lilly, Jamie and Rose with a massive bear hug. Such children.




They all shout at once.

"Didn't I speak to you all last night?" I laugh you see this is why I love them, just so weird.

"Right so first things first someone go make a lot of food whilst the rest of us plan out the day"

"Okay me and Skai will go prepare
the food since you two are useless at cooking" Jamie shouts dragging me to the kitchen. That was mean but to be fair Rose and Lilly would've burnt the kitchen down. We've now been in the kitchen for about half an hour cooking various foods such as, popcorn(obviously), fruit and some pasta. Me and Jamie have a good conversation about various things but I feel like something's wrong with him. Just can't bring myself to asking so I shrug it off. Finally after 1 hour cooking foods all ready and we walk into the living room with plates of pasta and big bowls of fruit and popcorn. We all snuggle up and listen to Lilly talk about today's plans.
"Okay so this what we're going to do. Just dance, Mario which by the way I will kick your asses at and movie marathons of Twilight. So let's get started"

It's about 10pm and we've finished the majority of the food, at the moment we are in the middle of Twilight saga eclipse and sorry but Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) is so damn hot it's unreal like he's one heck of a werewolf.
Suddenly there's a loud banging on the door, we all shoot our eyes in the direction of the door with terrified looks.
"Who could that be? Why are they banging so loud? It's quite late right? I'm scared guys." The fear in Roses voice was evident. The banging just carried on and we could here some muffled
voices but none of us budged. Until I thought fudge it and grew some balls and went to open to door. On the other side were 2 police men.

"Is everything okay officers?"

"Skai Carter?" I nod slowly, what was going on?

"Is it okay if we come inside?"

I move back and let them in by now I'm shaking with fear. What has happened?
They walk to the living room and sit themselves down, the others look as scared as me.
"So what's happened?"

"I'm afraid we come bearing some bad news, your parents Emily Carter and Jack Carter were in a very serious accident. Both were admitted into hospital 1 hour ago but died instantly. We're so sorry for your loss"

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