Chapter 23

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"I never thought I'd like you this much and I never planned to have you on my mind this often."


"So Skai, you in?" Kaitlyn asks me, I jump up to the sound of my name

"Uh.. huh?" I ask confused since I wasn't really paying attention to her. I was in Nandos with Kait and Luke and they were discussing something I didn't really care about. I mean I had bigger issues like that stupid person who won't stop texting me. All week the messages have been non-stop and I mean NON-STOP!!! Even when I turned my phone off as soon as I opened it my phone wouldn't stop buzzing because of the pathetic messages. I couldn't stop thinking about who the person texting me could be which led to a lot of over thinking and that led to extra crankiness.

"Luke's lake house me and the boys will be going there for the weekend, come along?" She once again snaps me out of my thoughts

"Will Aaron be there?" I ask, praying he wouldn't be

"Uhhh, yeah." She replies

Of course

"Then no." I wasn't ready to face him just yet

"Oh come on Skai, you'll end up seeing him eventually! Come on pleaseeeee? For your Lukey-bear, pretty please with skittles and m&m's on top?" Luke practically begs giving me puppy dog eyes. Damn he actually looked like one of them cute little doggies, I need to ask him to give me lessons.

"Yeah, I would really hate to be the only girl there so grow some tits and come!" Kait demands

I think about it for a while, maybe I should go I was bound to be faced with Aaron sooner or later and I needed some time away

"Fine but I want ice cream so lets go" I say standing up

"SUCCESSSSSSSS" Luke and Kait both shout high fiving each other. Rolling my eyes I walk towards the exit and they follow me.


We arrive home about an hour later and Kait tells me to start packing since the guys would come pick us up in about 2 and a half hours. I do as I'm told and walk up to my room taking out a small trolley case. Walking over to my cupboard I groan in frustration

I HAVE LIKE NO CLOTHES, well actually my cupboard was kinda full but I still don't have enough. Wait I don't even know what the weathers going to be like what was I supposed to pack. Well it was mid march so I'm guessing it'll be hot but just to double check I grab my phone only to be greeted with about a zillion messages off that same blocked number.

Going somewhere are we kitten?- A

Mmmm that groan sounded so sexual- A

As if on cue the phone started ringing, but I didn't answer it not really being in the mood to listen to bullshit. You're all probably wondering why I'm not scared, well I am trust me I'm petrified but if I show it the person will just get fat headed and think they're affecting me so ignoring them might just make them go away? Hopefully

After reading a few more texts I turn my phone off and put it in my handbag proceeding to my packing.

2 hours later, my trolley case is fully packed with a few outfits and my make up bag, zipping it up I grab my handbag and trod down the stairs.

I need to mentally prepare myself for when I see Aaron.

He's just a stupid immature boy who took advantage of you and needs to jump off a cliff.

Okay maybe that's to far but you understand. All you have to do is stay out of his way and completly ignore him. You can do it.

Happy with my self pep talk I trek to the kitchen to get myself a drink.

"Hello there Skai" Aunty Jane speaks as I enter


"You ready for your trip?"

"Yeah, I am" I smile, she reminded me so much of my mum with her chocolate brown eyes and ash brown hair. Oh how I missed my mother's warm smile.

"SKAI LET'S GO THE BOYS ARE HERE!" Kait shouts from outside the kitchen

"Well bye Aunty I'll see you on Sunday" hugging her I grab my handbag and trolley case, following Kait outside.

Conner steps out, taking our bags and putting them in the boot.

"I call shoutgun!" Kait screams going to sit in the front next to Luke who was driving, which left me with the other 3 boys, well this should be fun. Opening the car door I see Aaron and Josh sitting next to each other Josh greets me but Aaron just turns the other way, which I was fine with. I told Conner to get in before me and then I sat next to him, trying to be as far away as possible from Aaron.

"Everyone ready?" Luke asks

They boys and Luke woop in excitement but I just stay silent, why did I agree to come here again? Seeing Aaron today bought back all of the memories, the kisses, the 'meaningless' sex, the fight. It all just came back and I was trying really hard not to cry. Luke turns on the cd player and Justin Bieber's song  'Sorry' started playing, this song was really good. Imagine Aaron singing this to me haha I'd laugh in his face.

Josh and Conner tried making conversation with me but I wasn't in the mood so I gave short replies and I think they understood because they started talking about stuff that didn't bother me. I wasn't trying to be mean or anything I just didn't feel comfortable with Aaron around.

About 1 or later we arrive outside a beautiful lake house, stepping out of the car I gape in awe. It was stunning, the sun was shining on the lake and it all just looked so picturesque.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Josh says standing next to me,

"Gorgeous." Luke must me filthy rich.

"Well come on let's get inside" He grabs my arm and leads me inside

"woah...." The inside was equally as beautiful as the outside, maybe even better.

"Come on I'll show you your room" We walk up the sleek stairs and step into a BIG room

"Get settled in and meet the rest off us downstairs in 15 minutes" Josh speaks before leaving the room

I sit on the bed and sigh rubbing my temples, I had a bad feeling about this weekend.


So what do you think? Its not my best so I'm sorry




Zara xxx

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