Chapter 15

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'Never a failure, always a lesson.'- Rihanna


Friday night came around faster then I expected, maybe it's because I've been quite out of it this past week, thinking about my parents, and Aaron. Don't ask why Aaron he just kind of sticks in my brain with his annoying-ness.

"WEAR THIS!" Kaitlyn shouts throwing me a short pink dress

"Nooooo it's not a party so I'm going in jeans and a top" I wine

"Aaron's going to be there" She winks

After I told her about our 'kiss' she thinks that we like each other, which is quite impossible i'm pretty sure he doesn't do relationships.

"Anddd...........................?" I pause rolling my eyes "I'm wearing casual clothes end of." finishing off I walk over to my cupboard

"Fine." She huffs like a 3 year old proceeding to do her make up

Searching around my clothes I finally pick out grey skinny jeans, and a black crop top . Leaving my room and entering my bathroom I get dressed, finishing that I walk out and put my white converse on. Adding some mascara and lip gloss to my face I put my hair into a messy bun not really in the mood to dress up.

"You can at least straighten your hair child" Kait moans

"Naa" I laugh texting Scarlett

You ready?

Yeh I'll meet you there in 10

"Come on kait lets go!" I say dragging her away from the mirror


We arrive at Zach's 10 minutes later, I notice Aaron's motorbike parked outside and instantly wanna go home.

"SKAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" I hear a high pitched girly voice scream from the door. Seeing that it's Scarlett I walk up to her Kait by my side who was looking for Luke.

"Hey" I say hugging Scarlett

"I'm so excited to be here I feel popular!!!!!" she babbles as we walk in

"Hahaha you're so weird" I laugh

Walking into the living room I notice some familiar faces like; Luke, Conner, Josh, Zach, Sapphire, Aaron and some not so familiar faces.

"Hey Skai" Zach speaks as he spots me, all eyes turn to me and I suddenly feel shy

"H-hi" I reply smiling, I'm not exactly a peoples person you see

"Come sit" I do as i'm told and take a seat next to Zach, shortly followed by Scarlett who just stares in awe with her jaw wide open. I look to Aaron only to see him snogging Sapphire. I start thinking about the kiss we shared again.

Why are you thinking about the kiss?!!

"So what do you think Skai?" I hear Luke's voice snapping me out off my thoughts

"Sorry what?" I ask blushing in embarrassment

"You wanna play truth and dare?" He asks laughing at my face

"Ye-eah sure" oh no

We all get up and sit on the floor in a circle, Josh grabs an empty glass bottle and places it in the middle of us all

"Who wants to do the honors of spinning first?" He asks smirking

"Ooooo mee!" Sapphire or as me and Scar like to call her the slut squeals

She spins it and it lands on a guy who I think is called Louis


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