Chapter 7

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'I can't promise you a perfect relationship but what I can promise you is that I will fight for you, I will make you feel happy when you feel down, I will always be here for you 24/7, I will compliment you every single day even though you don't like it, I will be the one who holds you tight when you feel like the world is crashing down, and on top of all that, I promise to to love you forever and always.' -Keziah Faith Hanks X_Khloee


It's been 3 weeks since I've been living in London, everything seemed to be going well except Aaron has been ignoring me ever since that night and I have idea why. My friends were visiting today and I was over the moon, missing them madly, yet a small part of me was still upset over Jamie wishing he would magically turn up too.

TING TING! My phone goes off signalling I have a new message checking who it is I open it as fast as I can as 'Sexy Rose' flashes across the screen

'Open the door please' I laugh reading it why couldn't she just knock?
I run down the stairs to the door opening it wide too see Rose and Lilly stood with their backs to me

"EEEEEK I'VE MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH" I scream attacking them in hugs as they turn around.


"C'mon get inside its cold!" I tell them still excited

"Wait Skai someone else is here too. Jamie!" I freeze at the sound of his name.

Jamie. He came.

He comes out from behind a corner and we just stare at each other for a while. I see Rose and Lilly slip inside from the corner of my eyes.

"Skai I'm so sorry I didn't mean anything I said to you before you left please forgive me I've been a mess without you and I'm so so so incredibly sorry please say you forgive me!" He says all in one breath. I don't say anything back instead I just hug him. Tighter then I ever had before

"I missed you Jamie" I cry

"Please don't cry" he says "You know I can't see you cry" he pulls back and wipes my tears with his thumb smiling at me.

Aaron's P.O.V
I've been ignoring Skai. I don't really know why but it just seemed like the right thing to do, it's not like she was desperate to talk to me anyways.

I was sat in my backyard when 3 people walked towards Kaits house, I didn't recognise them wondering who they were and decided to go do some exploring since I was bored out of my mind. I walked towards the door and knock waiting, a beautiful blonde with blue eyes opened, I remembered her from earlier
"Hello there beautiful" I flirt

"And you are...?" she says scrunching up her face in thought

"Aaron, Aaron Hunter a friend of Skai's can I come in please?" She moves aside and I walk in spotting the brunette instantly


"Aaron?" she replies confused "What are you doing here"

"Well I missed you"

"Ha ha, what do you want?"

Wow someone wore there feisty pants today
"Am I not aloud to pop in and say hello?" I argue as her friends I assume, watch me closely. I didn't like the look of the boy who was sitting dangerously close to her.

"Whatever" she mutters turning her back to me
Well then.

Skai's P.O.V

Who does he think he is? Showing up here like nothing's wrong for his own amusement. I was fuming I mean he basically saved my life, took me out and then doesn't talk to me for 3 weeks and BAM out of the blue he's back like nothing ever happened.

"Skai can I speak to you in private" Jamie asks

"Sure follow me" I stand up and walk into the kitchen the girls were up exploring my new room and Aaron was just sat on his phone.

"What's up?" I ask quite worried.

"Whose that guy?"

"Oh he's the neighbour" I answer

"Okay" he says walking closer to me. "Skai I've missed you so much" he whispers dangerously close to my face

"I missed you too pal" I say patting his back taking a few steps back feeling slightly intimidated right now

"No I mean it! I fucking missed you." He shouts, well wow. "You drive me fucking insane I hope you see that. Why won't you be mine?! I want you to be mine! I need you to be mine! BE MINE!" He roars, Jamie from that night was back and I felt tears threatening to spill.

"Jamie stop it your scaring me" I whimper I'm surprised no one can hear his shouting. I bring my hands up to rub my eyes as Jamie grabs my waist really tight pushing me up against the kitchen counter, and smashes his lips to mine. I punch his chest multiple times not daring to kiss him back but he just wouldn't stop.
He held my waist tighter and I was pretty sure he'd be leaving nasty marks.

I feel him being pulled off me and look to see Aaron punching him repeatedly.

"STOP" I scream by now the girls run downstairs in surprise. "LET HIM GO AARON!"

He lets him go, turning to look at me with anger evident in his eyes, before he walks out.

"Jamie why would you do that?" I cry

He just looks at me with hate as his eyes turn dark. Rose tells him to get up and leave when she sees how upset I am. He does as told, I hope I never see him again! It's amazing how people change so fast.

"What happened Skai??" Lilly asks
I tell them everything and they hug me tight.

"That Aaron kids quite cool isn't he? Helping you like that."

I smile

"Yeh I guess so but he's very confusing"

It's now 9pm and my friends had left. I was sat up in my room debating on whether I should go speak to Aaron or not when I spot him sitting near his window strumming a guitar, I quietly walk over to my window opening it trying to make no noise and listen to the beautiful tune he plays.

"Wow" I say smiling. He's just become 10x hotter I mean he plays guitar, that's super hot. He looks up at me quickly in surprise

"How long have you been sat there?" He says running a hand through his gorgeous locks

"Long enough" I reply

We stay silent for a little while but I decide to speak up

"Thanks for what you did earlier"

"Yeah whatever he deserved it and next time your getting changed make sure you double check if your blinds are shut. Nice spongebob panties by the way"

"Oh my god what?!" I squeak turning deep red. Oh nooo. He just laughs, what a little perv.

"Don't tell anyone about it or I'll kill you!" I say threateningly.

"Don't worry princess it could be our little secret"

Shoutout to @Yusuf1710 for helping me with ideas, thanks beautiful ;)

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