Chapter 11

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'The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence'- Beyonce.


I wake up with a throbbing headache. Opening my eyes i'm greeted by a rock hard chest, groaning I sit up in the bed remembering yesterday's events.

"Good morning sunshine how you feeling?" Aaron greets mocking me, as I was about to answer his question I jump out the bed running to the toilet and throwing up. I feel Aaron walk in and grab my hair holding it back for me. Why did I get drunk again? Oh yes because i'm stupid. Flushing the toilet I stay sitting on the floor leaning against the bath tub

"I'll go get you some paracetamol and water." Aaron speaks

Holding my head I grumble in pain. Aaron walks back to me handing me some tablets and water I take it straight away sighing in relief.

"I wanna go home" I moan

"Well you can't, Charlie spent the night at his girlfriend's, Kait had to go to some job interview thing and Patrick and Jane are at working. Sorry princess your stuck with me for the day"

Muttering some curse words I get up and crawl back into his bed.

"Entertain me then"

"Okay" He winks and starts biting his lip walking over to the bed seductively, closing my eyes I laugh and throw a pillow at him

"Not like that"

"C'mon you know you want some of me" He smirks

"Noooppeeeee sorry but you just got rejected" I giggle seeing him pout.

"You'll give in one day princess"

"Sure pretty boy" I smile, "Can we watch a movie?" I ask bored.

"Yeh sure here choose one" He says handing me his laptop logging into netflix

I was in the mood for a horror so decided on 'Insidious' my all time favourite.

"Insidious? Really I thought you were a chic flick kinda girl" Aaron asks

"Don't judge a book by it's cover my friend"

"Fair play" he laughs as the movie starts, I looked over at him and he had this scared expression on his face. Is Aaron scared of horrors?

45 minutes into the movie he has the cover over him as he shakes. Trying to not laugh I focus on the movie but it was very hard.

"Aaron are you scared off horrors?" I finally blurt out. He takes his head out from and the covers trying to look as casual as possible

"Whattt? pffffftttt nooo not at all"

"You are aren't you?" I say trying to stifle in a laugh


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH" I burst out laughing. He shoots me daggers as my phone goes off indicating a text, I get up too go see it.

"Who knew? Bad boy jock Aaron Hunter is scared of horrors" grabbing my phone I turn around to face Aaron again but bang straight into his chest, looking up at him I see that his eyes turned dark and his face is inches away from mine, one wrong move and our lips will be touching

"Don't speak a word off that to anyone" he threatens licking his lips "Or else....." I take a step back as my back reaches a wall. Damn you walls, this is such a cliche' moment.

"Or else what?" I snicker as he moves closer to me staring down at my eyes

"You don't want to know princess" He looked incredibly hot right now and I wanted to kiss him really bad but had to control my thoughts and feelings, as if he read my mind he leaned down lower biting his lip and finally he pressed his lips to mine.

His lips.

They were soft and cold against my warm ones. I've kissed before but this one was magical, he did it so delicately and it just felt perfect, like my lips belonged on his. We both pull back and just stare at each other.

Aaron's P.O.V

I kissed her. I kissed Skai Carter and it felt so right. I've never kissed a girl like I kissed her. Most of my kisses were sloppy and lazy but this one I put everything into it, like my life depended on it. I was so confused as to why I did it. Going with my first instinct I blurt out

"You've got to leave" I saw her face completely drop "I didn't mean to kiss you, sorry please just leave" I know I sound like a huge bastard but I need to get my thoughts straight and her being here isn't helping one bit.

"Oh ." She whispers, her face dropping she grabs her belongings and leaves.

I couldn't like her. I don't do relationships.


Skai's P.O.V

"He kissed me and then told me to leave and that he didn't mean to do it" I rant at Kait "I mean who does that?"

"Well he's a jerk Skai and he doesn't deserve your anger so don't waste your breath"

I was just so angry at him.

"Okay I'm gonna go get more sleep talk later Kait"

Groaning in frustration I plop down on my bed looking over to my window. oh wow. He really did mean it when he said 'I didn't mean to kiss you' because right now he's making out with some blonde half naked girl. Fucking stupid boys.

Shutting my blinds I lay down in my bed and attempt to sleep. When that fails I decide to ring Lilly as she could cheer me up right now, dialling her number she answers after 2 bells

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?"

"Hi Lilly and well...." I proceed to tell her about the past events
"Your joking! I'm gonna come over there and beat that fucking jerks ass no one messes with my girls feelings!" She shouts down the phone

"No it's fine I'm just gonna ignore him till he figures out what to do. On the brighter side it's my first day off college tomorrow!" I say changing the subject

We talked for about half an hour discussing everything and nothing.

Shoutout to maara1804 for giving me the idea of Aaron being scared of horrors. Love you❤️❤️




Thanks- Zara x

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