Chapter 14

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'There's always going to be negative people in this world who just do negative shit.'- Nicki Minaj


Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, hours became days and days became weeks.

It's now been 4 months since the death of my parents. Funny how time flies right? My 18th birthday is coming near but I'm not feeling it. I need them here with me. Why did you do this to me God? Why, was I that bad?

"Skai Carter!" Mr Jackson shouts waving a booklet in front off me

"Yes sir?" I reply blinking my eyes repeatedly pushing the tears away

"Are you okay? You seem totally out off it" Worry runs across his face as he asks this

"Haha yes I'm grand" I lie

"Righttt..." He answers not believing me but letting it go, "anyways here is your end of term project, your going to have too pair up with someone since it's a duo" He says handing me the booklet and walking away. Okay so now too find a partner, first I ask Kait but she's with Luke, then I go too Josh but he's busy with some lady friend. Giving up I sit back on my chair and slouch.

"Need a partner princess?" I hear Aaron ask from behind me

"Yes but I'd rather it not be you"

"And why's that

"Just because"

"Come on princess you know you'd love to be my partner" He smiles

"AARON!!! GET HERE YOUR WORKING WITH ME" I hear Sapphire's barbie voice scream, looking to Aaron I giggle at his fed up expression

"Hahah off you go Hunter" As he gets up to go he shoots me glares and I stick my tongue out at him

"Skai?" I hear Zach's gorgeous voice ask

"Yeah l?"

"Would you like to work with me for this project?"

"sure why not" I smile getting up too sit closer to him, I can smell his scent and it's beautiful. I was actually really excited about working with him, it'll help me not think about Aaron and his infuriating ego.


Waiting is so annoying. It was now the end off the day and I was sat at the main entrance waiting for Zach since he wanted to start on the project at his. Boys are so slow, as if on cue I hear his godly voice from behind me, getting up I turn too face him smiling as he says goodbye to his freinds,

"Shall we go?" he asks as his mates leave

"Yup" I reply poppin' the P.

Walking out with Zach was really uncomfortable, not only because he was popular and all but because every girl we passes shot me horrible glares as if they were planning my death.

"Here she is, my baby" Zach gushes as we stop at a white Subaru with gold tyres and pitch black tinted windows.

"SHE. IS. BEAUTIFUL.!!" I over exaggerate as my hand covers my mouth

"I know right Now get in" Zach laughs, this was wayyyyy better than Aaron's motorbike.

There you go thinking about Aaron again.

Slowly opening the passenger seat door I sit in carefully trying not too scratch or damage anything.

"So let me just warn you a bit about my parents, well my mum she is very welcoming and huggy so beware" Zach laughs running his hand through his hair,

That was hot.

"It's fine" I say laughing with him

As we drive off he turns up the radio and I hum along to the various songs that play.

A while later we arrive at a breath taking white mansion with a pool out front. Wow he must be so rich! I feel very out off place now with my black jeans, infinity top and white converse. Stepping out the car I try not to stare at the house in awe too much and follow Zach.

"Welcome to my home" He smiles as we enter the huge house.

"Zach hunny is that you?" I hear a feminine voice ask from further in the house

"Yes mum it is" he replies as we walk more. This place was absolutely stunning, the interior was great

"Hey mum" Zach greets as we enter a MASSIVE kitchen where a beautiful lady stood, dressed in an apron and bandanna

"Hello sweetheart" She replies as she kisses his cheek, then she turns to me "Is this your girlfriend babe? She's stunning" I start blushing furiously as Zach speaks up,

"Nooo we're just working on a project together" I look too him to see that he's also blushing, such a cute sight.

"It always starts off with studying kids, I remember when me and you dad...." She starts off but Zach butts in

"Okay we'll be in my room call me if you need anything" Zach rushes as he grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs.

His mum was so nice. Reminded me off mine.

"So sorry about that" He mumbles as we enter a black and blue huge bedroom, it was a typical boys room but with posters but everything here was more..... modern and expensive.

"Wow" I breathe out

Zach chuckles as he opens his mini fridge(ikr spoilt brat) and chucks me a can of coke

"Make yourself comfortable i'm just gonna quickly change into something comfy" With that he leaves me alone in his room, I walk around a bit and stop at his desk where he had millions of pictures and drawings. Wow he was good at art, one piece catches my eye. It's a drawing of a beautiful girl, so detailed you could tell he spent time on it. I run my hand across it, it was truly gorgeous.

"Like it?" Zach asks from behind me, his mouth was dangerously close to my ear and neck. I could feel his breath and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Your so talented" I whisper setting the drawing down.

"Thank you beautiful" It's great how one word like 'beautiful' can make you weak at yours knees. "Let's get started"

We both move and walk towards his bed, I plop myself down on it sighing. For about a hour or so we did the work but eventually got bored.

"Tell me stuff about yourself, your folks, friends, past life" Zach asks genuinely looking interested.

"Well" I clear my throat and start "My parents passed 4 months ago and I came from Blackburn to here because I thought a change would help, I had 3 best friends Jamie, Rose and Lilly but we're kind off drifting away" I answer not meeting his eyes afraid that I'd cry.

"I'm so sorry for your loss" he murmurs. And that's it i'm gone. I start to bawl my eyes out and it feels good! "Oh no please don't cry" Zach whispers as he moves closer to me and pulls me in for a hug. You know when you try to be strong but one thing just breaks down that wall, when Zach apologized for my loss that set me off. After 5 minutes of crying I pull back

"Sorry, I think I should get going now, thanks. And sorry for your shirt" I chuckle pointing to his tear stained shirt and wiping my eyes.

"Hey hey, its fine! Would you like me too take you home?" He asks politely

"No thanks I'll ask Kaitlyn" Turning for the door he calls my name and says

"I'm always here for you. Also on Friday there's a tiny get together at my house and a few are gonna come over I'd love if you could"

"Expect me there" I smile. Thanking him one last time I leave his room.

He was such a lovely guy.


Hello everyone:) Sorry for the late update, this is kind off a filler chapter. Hope you enjoyed it anyways. Also it's unedited so sorry for any mistakes.




Lyy- Zara

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