Chapter 22

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"She loved mysteries so much that she became one herself"- Paper Towns.


It's been 3 days since my last encounter with Aaron, I've been trying my best to avoid him though I never really leave the house except for college and I always keep my blinds closed just in case I see him. We wouldn't want that now would we since I was his mistake. No one but Kaitlyn and the boys know about what happened and she's trying her best to comfort me, but it's just not working I really liked him. I've also had a lot of time to think, I don't believe how stupid I was. Honestly I'm now starting to regret what happened, I let myself fall right into his charm.

But the thing that's most bothering me right now is his father. I wonder if he gave him that diamond back? What was Aaron going to ask him for? I just hope everything will be okay.


My phone started ringing on my bed side table, picking it up I see it's an unknown number, who could this be?

"Hello?" I answer curiously,

"Hello kitten" A deep voice replied

"Sorry who's this?"

"Tell Aaron the deals off, we're coming for you" The deep voice replies, I hear a chuckle and he cuts off. What the fuck? Was that his dad? No, it couldn't have been, this voice sounded like it belonged to a younger guy. Maybe he was working for Aaron's dad. I gulp in fear. What should I do? Should I go to the police?

"Or maybe it could be a prank call" I think aloud to myself



A message popped up onto my screen, curiously I pick up my phone and read it

It wasn't a prank call Kitty- A  (I feel so Pretty Little Liars lmao) The number was unknown so I had no way of finding out who it was.The hairs on the back off my head were standing up and goosebumps starting forming on my arms, another message popped up

Don't look so scared I promise we'll take care off you;)- A

We'll? That means there's more than one of them. How did they even hear what I said earlier? Was there camera's in my room? Omg omg if I wasn't freaking out before I definitely am now. I walk around my room and look everywhere trying to see if there was a camera anywhere but there wasn't, I then walk over to my window and look out and about but still no sign of anyone or anything suspicious. Maybe I could just block calls and messages from unknown numbers? Yeah that should work!

I walk back over to my bed and pick up my phone opening my privacy settings, but another message pops up

I don't think you want to do that- A

"OH FUCK OFF!" I scream in frustration

Damn girl so feisty- A

Stay calm Skai, he/she/they're getting a kick out of this. Just turn your phone off and go join whoever is downstairs.

That's exactly what I do, turning my phone off I walk out off my room and down the stairs putting on my best smile, I don't want anyone to know about this. It'll cause unnecessary drama. Reaching the bottom I spot Kait, Luke, Charlie, Amber, Josh and Conner watching some movie. ugh so many people.

Walking into the room I put on my best smile trying not to show the fact that I was shitting it.

"Hey guys" I speak

A round of hello's were murmured, they were all to focused on this movie to busy to interact with me. I take a seat next to Josh and see that they're watching one of my favorite horror's The Conjuring. This instantly reminds me off Aaron and the fact that he was scared off horrors, remembering back to the time we watched Insidious and he was so scared. Silently giggling at this memory I wonder where he is right now, everyone else was here why wasn't he? Maybe Kait didn't let him in, I can imagine her doing that.

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