Chapter 28

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"If she only wants you don't worry about who wants her"


I moaned from the sun light shining across my face, opening my eyes I instantly blink repeatedly until my eyes adjust to the light. Yawning I wonder how long I was sleeping for, I remember Kait and the guys coming to see me. I was so happy to see them, I then remember falling asleep with Aaron on the hospital couch opposite my bed. Looking over at it I notice he's still there sleeping soundly it was a cute sight.

I decide to go and wake him so I walk over to the couch lightly shaking him

"Aaronnn" I speak in just above a whisper, he doesn't move, like he doesn't even slightly stir. Rolling my eyes I trying shaking him again and saying his name louder but still nothing. How else was I supposed to wake him? I could throw water on him but that's just mean. How about I just sit on him? I'm sure my weight would wake him up. I sit on top of him in a straddling position making sure to put all of my weight on him, but he still doesn't wake up!

Starting to get a little annoyed I start shaking him shoulders, whilst shouting his name. When he finally opens his eyes I say

"Well finally! Do you know how long that took? You are a very deep sleeper"

He chuckles as he rubs his eyes

"Next time you want to wake me, just kiss me princess. That would work, very well." He smirks. His morning voice sent shivers down my spine "Also if you want me that bad all you've got to do is ask" He looks down to his lap. What's he talking about? Following his eyes I realise I'm still straddling him, I instantly start blushing and start to get off of him but he grabs my waist before I get the chance to move.

"I've missed you so much you know?" He says

"Yeah, I mean who wouldn't miss me? I'm awesome" I reply grinning, he chuckles and I lay my head on his chest.

"Has my cocky-ness rubbed of on you?"

"I guess it has pretty boy" Suddenly my hunger has disappeared and all I can think about is how much I've missed Aaron. He places a soft kiss on my forehead and my heart starts fluttering. Forehead kisses were my favourite types of kisses, they could mean so many different but the effect was always the same. It left me feeling like I was floating on the clouds.

Suddenly somebody clears their throat, sitting up I notice it's my nurse Darcy.

"Mrs Hunter you have a visitor, should I let him in?" She asks. Visitor? It couldn't be Kait or the guys because she wouldn't have asked me if they could be let it. Who else could it be?

"Yes please" I reply, standing up and straightening out hospital gown.

As the visitor walks in my eyes widen

"Asher?" What was he doing here?

"Hey" He casually replies walking over to me "I bought you flowers"

"Uh thank you" I reply as he passes me white roses, as soon as Aaron notices his presence he stands up and pulls me behind his back

"What the fuck do you want?" He grits out

"Chill dude, I'm not going to hurt her" Asher, calmly replies

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't want to hurt you"

"Aaron.." I speak up, the last thing I want to see is these two kick off

"Skai, can I speak to you alone?" Asher asks, completely ignoring Aaron

"No." Aaron answers for me, sighing I say

"Aaron, could you go and get me some coffee please?"

"Skai, I'm not leaving you alone with him. I don't trust him" Aaron replies throwing glares at Asher, I walk over to the front of him and hold his hand in mine

"Yes but you trust me, and trust me he won't hurt me"

"Fine" He huffs before walking up to Asher and saying "If you hurt her I will hurt you so hard that you'll wish that your mother had kept her legs closed" With that he walks outside. I find myself smiling at his over protectiveness, it was so damn cute!

Turning my attention to Asher I notice he's already staring at me

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask going over to the couch and sitting down on it, Asher soon follows my action before speaking up

"Sorry about what happened"

"It wasn't your fault"

"I could've done something to stop Adam though, I mean he put you in a hospital and I can't help but feel it was my fault. I'm such a coward, I should have stopped him what kind of bas-" I cut him off him rant by placing my hand on his thigh

"Asher shut up, there was nothing you could've done to stop him. That man has no humanity and that isn't your fault."

"Well you'd be glad to know he's been arrested" He informs me, my face brighten's up at that piece of information

"Oh thank God!" That was the best news I've heard all year

"Yep, so you and Aaron? You guys a thing?"

"I don't really know, he hasn't asked me out or anything so I guess not" I reply slightly frowning.

"So you wouldn't mind if I did this then"

"Wha..." Before I could finish my sentence, I feel Asher's lips touch mine.

He's kissing me! But I don't kiss back, quickly pulling away I notice Aaron stood in the doorway giving us glares.

oh no

That must've looked really bad from where he was stood

"Aaron, wait!" I shout as he angrily turns around and walks away

oh no no no



Hello everyone:) How yous doing? Ooo and MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS! I hope you all had a great time. Credits to haimish because she's so fab and helped me with this chapter so yay for that.

Anyways I know this chapters like so shit and short so i'm sorry, but I'll try make the next one longer! Enjoy:) Also remember Asher is Aaron's brother from his dad and Aiden is his going to be step brother from the man Aaron's mums going to marry, sorry if you get confused



Zara xx

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