Chapter 3

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Everything stopped. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I collapsed to the ground letting the tears flow. Everything just became a blur. I saw my friends rushing to my side but nothing mattered right now except going to see my parents.

"Take me to them" I just about croaked out in between sobs. The police officers did as I commanded and helped me up leading me to the car. I could make out little bits of what my friends were saying but was to focused on my precious mum and dad.

The car journey seemed like forever when in reality it was 15 minutes. I just couldn't cope anymore sobbing and sobbing whilst the officer tried calming me. I kept praying that all of this would just be a horrific dream and I'd awaken any second but it never seemed to happen. Every second passing I felt more and more pain. I look up to see the hospital sign come into view, I never thought I'd see my parents die in this way. In such a dreadful way. My worst nightmares were coming true.


I enter the hospital keeping my eyes down and controlling my sobs as best as I could. The officers go to the front desk saying something but I wasn't really paying any attention. They tell me to follow them as the nurse walks towards a room with big bold red writing above it flashing EMERGENCY.

The nurse opens the door for me and I enter. I hear her say "Sorry for your loss"

"How did it happen?" I wheeze

"A truck lost control and crashed straight into the car" She looks at me with sorrowful eyes. Looking up I see my mums frail and beaten body lying towards the left of the room and my fathers weak and vanquished body. That was the moment I realized I am now an orphan, I just lost the 2 most important people to me. I sobbed and sobbed uncontrollably falling to the floor in the middle of the room. Bringing my knees up to my head I shake and rock backwards and forwards ferociously. The door opens but I can't look up. Nothings right anymore. Everything I would've ever needed in my life just vanished into thin air. This isn't fair, my parents didn't deserve this. It should've been me. I should be laying on that hospital bed looking all weak and broken not them. At least they could've mourned with each other unlike me. Here I am all alone sobbing.



I hear Lilly's voice calling me but don't look up. What's the use? Nothing or no one will help right now. I think whilst Lilly walks towards me and crouches down, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, no one deserves this. I'm here for you" She says whilst trying to get me to look at her. "Look at me Skai!"

I look up to see her eyes full of heartache for me.

"Pleas-se-e g-ii-v-e m-ee some-e t-ii-mee" I manage to respond through heavy wails.

She nods and replies

"Okay but I'm here for you babe. Your not alone so are Rose and Jamie Oh and also your cousins from London should be coming down. Just thought you should know" and with that she gets up and leaves me looking sorrily at towards me once more.

A slight burst of joy shot through me as she said my cousins were coming not having seen them in a while,but my frown returns realizing why they'd be coming. I decide to get up and have a proper look at my parents, walking over to my mother I gasp in shock. She looked so pale and beat down. Bruises covered every inch of her body. My father mirroring her.Except he was covered in bandages.

I sit next to their beds, just letting everything soak in. The truth is I'm never going to recover from this, but who can blame me. I reckon I've been here for at least 3 hours non stop crying and thinking. Thinking of every little thing my parents did or said.

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