Chapter 9

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'If you can dream it, you can do it'- Walt Disney


"KAIT" I scream in excitement rushing into her room only to see her and Luke making out "EW can you please swap spit later?" They both pull back faster than a bolt of lighting and blush deep red.

"What's up Skai?" She says shooting me daggers, if looks could kill i'd be 6 feet under.

"I got my reply from King's College and they've called me in tomorrow and I have no clothes so it's SHOPPING DAY" I squeal happily. Luke groans in frustration and I laugh at him "Sorry Lukey I'm borrowing her for the day"

"Ugh fine" Luke moans kissing her one more time before getting up to leave.

"Give me 5 minutes to get ready" Kait speaks

"Don't forget to sort your lipstick out Kait" I wink as she throws her pillow at me. I walk back into my room grabbing my phone and bag walking down the stairs. Seeing Aunty Jane I tell her about my invite as I sit next to her waiting for Kait.

5 minutes later Kaitlyn walks down the stairs at the pace of a snail on the phone, most likely talking to Luke. God they can't live without each other.

"Hurry up old lady!" I laugh at her, she just gives me dirties whispering 'I love you' to Luke turning it off.

"Okay let's go child" She says grabbing her keys.


We were now at the mall food cart, having a break, so far I've bought some black heels.

"So you and Aaron have been spending quite a bit of time together then haven't you?" Kait asks

"Well one day isn't really a lot but yeh I guess" I reply shrugging

"Awesome, you two would be cute together" Cute? me and Aaron? Pfft yeah right. As if of cue I spot him a few tables away from us with a blonde bimbo sat on his lap practically eating his face.

"Woah" I say looking over at them, Kait follows my eyes and bursts out laughing. "Wait what's so funny?"

"That girl looks so hungry, she looks like a sloth"

"What the heck Kait" I say also laughing, she does have a point."I reckon we should go over there and embarrass them"

"Yes we should!" We get up walking over to their table.

"HI AARON" we scream, the blonde bimbo jumps and falls off his lap. Everyone around us start laughing even Aaron as she scowls, swearing at us walking away in embarrassment.

"Did you have fun letting her eat your face?" Kaitlyn asks

"She looked quite hungry are you sure she didn't bite you?" I laugh but sounding genuinely concerned. I hear the boys laughing instantly spotting Josh, Connor and Luke waving at them. Kait must have seen them too because she runs to Luke. Gosh you can't even separate them for an hour, rolling my eyes I turn too Aaron

" Don't act like that wasn't a good show for you to watch" He smirks

"Trust me I've seen better"

I realise what I said sounded a bit dodgy and cover my mouth probably turning red,

"Oh really?" Aaron Smirks

"So what are you guys doing here?" Josh asks saving me from more embarrassment

"I need clothes for my interview at King's college tomorrow" I reply

"Oh we go there too so that's great you'll get too see more off us" Conner winks

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