Chapter 4

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It's been 2 days since I lost my parents. 2 days of sleepless nights. 2 days of crying. 2 days of starving. 2 days of not talking. I knew this was going to be hard, but this hard? It's horrible. I miss my mum and dad like hell. I can't do anything without being reminded of them, I'll be walking around the house and every little thing will either look like them or smell like them. I've been spending these past 2 days crying and thinking. A lot of thinking. Precisely about moving to London and what to write in my parent's Eulogy.

Today is the day of the funeral. I'm dreading it in so many ways. Right now i'm sat on my bed picking at my nails, a thing I do when i'm nervous and scared. There's a knock on my door and Charlie enters holding a black bag, I instantly know that it's my funeral clothes so I don't even bother asking as he sets them down on my bed.

"Hey, get ready we've got to leave in 30 minutes" he says whilst walking to me and sitting down putting his hand on my knee "I know this is tough for you but i'm gonna be with you through all of it. We all are." They all have been absolutely great to me, if they never stuck by me I would've most likely become depressed.

"Thank you Charlie"

"You're welcome" He kisses me on the forehead before getting up to leave

I stand up and unzip the bag to reveal a stunning plain black knee height flowy dress. I run my hand across the material, soft just like my mother. I put my hair in a high ponytail then slip the dress on slowly wearing black wedges with it then turn to look at myself in the mirror.

"Okay Skai. Stay strong today,don't break down you don't want to show people how weak you are just put your best fake smile on and thank everyone that attends, or at least try your best. Think of what mum and dad would've wanted" I pep talk myself as I visibly start shaking. I quickly grab my Eulogy of the side table and walked down the stairs to join everyone.

"Are you ready?" Uncle Pat asks

I nod holding the piece of paper tightly in my palms, smiling at everyone since my friends are also here.

"Then let's be off, the funeral cars out front"

We all walk out I grab onto Jamie's arm for support feeling like I could collapse any second. Sitting in the car was spooky. I was with Kait, Rose and Lilly with my mothers coffin, the others were in the second car holding my fathers coffin. It was as though mums soul was lingering upon us. there was just that scary aroma flying around the car.


Arriving to the church I keep repeating the sames lines over and over in my head 'You can do this Skai. You can do it' As we step into the church I just want to run back home and crawl into my bed letting all my tears out but I can't do that I have to stay strong for them.

Everyone is now here. Both coffins get brought in and placed at the front of the church. You wouldn't believe the amount of 'sorrowful' looks I got, it's truly unreal. We all take our seats waiting for the priest to start. I'm still shaking, my palms are sweaty, my heart feels as though it's going to jump out and leave me any second and my eyes are stinging with tears that I refuse to let fall.

"Let us commend Emily Carter and Jack Carter to the mercy of the lord. Loving parents, Loving friends, Loving brothers and sisters....."

He blabbers on some more but I just zone out letting a few silent tears fall.

"We will now listen to a few words from their loving daughter Skai Carter"

At the announce of my name i'm back to my senses. I stand up slowly and walk to the podium thing receiving a few comforting smiles. I clear my throat and begin.

"Where do I even begin?" I half heartily chuckle. "My parents, they were the most important people in the world to me. They were always so warm and happy no matter what, they knew exactly how to help me in whatever situation i'd be in. Mum. My mother was the most beautiful being in the entire world. She was absolutely gorgeous and had a heart of solid gold. She wasn't just a mother to me she was a best friend. I wasn't afraid to share my feelings with her like most teenagers these days because she understood me so well, she knew me better then I knew myself. Dad. My father was my rock. Without him I wouldn't have gotten this far in my life. A father daughter bond is so special and my dad never broke ours. Together my parents were a fantastic team. They bought me up so well even with the busy work schedules they have. They didn't deserve to die the way they did but hey everything happens for a reason right? So i'm not gonna sit around mourning for them for the rest of my life i'm going to start building my life just like they would've wanted me to. The thing i'll miss most would be our i love yous. Ever since I was a little girl every morning and every night my parents would say 'We love you too the mood and back baby girl' and i'd reply with 'i love you to infinity and beyond' Every time we'd say that it just reminded me how lucky I was to have such understanding and loving parents. But now I know they're up there looking down on all of us. I love you to infinity and beyond mummy and daddy" I finish looking up to the ceiling, by now my tears were flowing free. I say goodbye one last time before walking off to be alone. I didn't have the heart to watch them get buried.


It was now 4pm, the funeral finished half an hour ago and i'm now sat with everyone most important to me in the living room to tell them what I decided about London.

"Guys I have something to say" I whisper as everyone's attention turns to me,

"Okay so as you know I'm now an orphan" I say that word with so much pain "And unless I move in with family i'm going to be in care, so I've decided to move to move to London with Aunty Jane, Uncle Patrick, Kaitlyn and Charlie"

My family look at me with smiles but my friends look at me with hurt and sadness.

"Can I have some alone time with my friends please?" I say to my family they all nod and walk into the kitchen.

"Guys, i'm so sorry but I think a new start will be good for me right now, I've finished my GCSE'S so the last few weeks we have left of school won't really matter I can find a college in London surely. Please tell me you respect my decision?"

"Skai you can't leave us like that we had plans" Lilly cries

"I'm with you as long as your 100% sure" Rose speaks. I look to Jamie too see if he had anything to say but no. Nothing he just gets up and walks out, I sigh, i'll go after him later.

"Girls I promise i'm 100% sure and Lilly you can all visit me as much as you'd like i'm sure they wouldn't mind. Please I really want to start somewhere new, Blackburn(where she lives) just has so many memories i'll go crazy if I stay here"

"Okay we understand and trust me we will be visiting no matter what now go speak to Jamie we'll start sorting clothes and things out" Lilly says as I jump on to them both in bone crushing hugs.

"I love you guys" I shout running towards the door.


After 15 minutes of searching I finally found a sulking Jamie sat on a park bench,

"Jamie" I whisper sitting down next to him "Hear me out. I really think that I should start somewhere new Blackburn is full of memories and you know for a fact that I would do much better moving away than staying please understand" I mange in one breath.

"Go Skai Go I don't care do what you want. Wait now that I think about it you should definitely go it'll help me get over you in lot's of ways so go and don't bother trying to stay in touch with me I don't need you anymore!" He screams shaking in frustration running his hand through his hair multiple times. I laughed at him in disbelief

"Really? Okay fine if you want that fine goodbye" and with that I walk away shaking my head not daring to turn around.



Quite a depressing chapter i know but things should brighten up soon promise:) Vote and follow for a follow back? Byeeee

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