Chapter 12

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'A girl should be 2 things: Classy and Fabulous'- Coco Chanel


Today is my first day off King's College, I was excited but Aaron kind off ruined my day. Actually no week. Yesterday after the little 'kiss' he had about 3 girls in his room like 20 minutes after I left. What kind off heartless shit does that? Aaron Hunter is the perfect example of 'fuckboy'

"Skai hurrrryyyy" Kait wines from the door

"I'm coming gosh" I was trying to make myself look less ew at the moment since I hardly got any sleep last night. Guess whose fault that was?

"Okay let's go" I say to Kait as I walk down the stairs and to her car.

"Good Luck Skai!" Charlie shouts as we leave. I sit in the car huffing in annoyance. It's not that I don't wanna go it's just that I might bump into Aaron and eugh that would be shit.

"Skai get a grip, you most likely won't see him if that's what your worried about" Kait says laughing ignoring her I turn the radio up tapping my foot to the music.

15 minutes later we arrive at the College and I bid Kait goodbye to go get my timetable from Mr Anderson. Walking around till I finally find his room I knock softly,

"Come in" His deep voice booms from behind the door, entering I smile.

"Hi sir, I'm here for my timetable"

"Ah yes here you go" he says passing me a piece of paper, "Have a good day if there's any problems come see me" I thank him and walk out reading the paper, seeing that I have English Lit first I roam around looking for a classroom. King's College was so big damn. People kept giving me looks probably because I was new or I looked like shit. Taking my phone out off my bag to check the time I bang into something hard, or someone.

"Oomph" I say as I fall flat on my bum.

"Sorry, are you okay?" A deep sexy voice speaks as I stand up cleaning myself.

"It's okay I wasn't watching where I was...." Looking up I stop talking to stare as my jaw flying open.This guy is hot, very hot. Perfect quiffed brown hair and heart melting chocolate brown eyes, your normal next door bad boy, realising that I was staring I finish my sentence "g-oing". He chuckled and it was the sexiest thing I had ever heard.

"I'm Zach, you must be the new chic? Skai?"

"U-hh yeeh" I reply stuttering. He has such a strong and sharp jawline that could cut a bitch. God must've spent hours on him.

"Hey Zach, is practice on today?" I hear another deep voice ask, looking to see who it was I scrunch my face up in disgust.


As he see's me here too, his lips turn into a smirk and he winks at me, oh hell no.

"Hey princess" He says with his perfect voice, I couldn't help but look at his alluring lips remembering the kiss as I feel heat rush up to my cheeks. Brain your not helping right now.

Turning around to walk away Zach speaks up,

"You two know each other?"

"Sadly, yes" I reply rolling my eyes

"C'mon princess you know you love me" Aaron chirps in. Why is he acting as though nothing happened?

"Shut up Aaron" I scowl finally walking away, I can feel his dreamy eyes boring into my back as Zach chuckles. Ugh boys.


Now I have my second class which is health and social. So far everyone seems friendly but I just can't focus as Aaron's the only thing on my mind. So pathetic. Walking in to the big classroom all eyes turn to look at me, this is awkward.

"Skai Carter?" the teacher asks, I nod "Welcome to the class, go and find a seat". Doing as I was told I walked towards the back and sat in between a pretty brunette and a weird looking guy. Putting my bag down I sigh.

"Hii I'm Scarlett" the brunette speaks in a very high pitched voice, if only she was blonde I could've mistaken her for Barbie.

"Nice to meet you" I smile at her, not really wanting to make conversation.

"Would you like me to show you around later?" She asks with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Yeah sure that would be great" I reply.

The next hour goes by swiftly as the bell indicating break. Getting up Scarlett tells me too follow her as we walk out, she leads me too these big 2 doors with the smell off food around them. Guessing it's the cafeteria I smile, feeling hungry.

"So first I'm going to tell you about the different groups in this College." We sit down at an empty table and she starts speaking again "That table consists off the nerds and queit kids" I follow her finger as she points to a table with people who have their heads in books. "Then there's the Emo's  and lastly there's the jocks and rich kids" Looking over at that table I see cheerleaders and jocks, kind of surprised to not see Aaron and the lads there.

As if on cue he walks through the door with Josh, Conner, Luke, Zach, Kait and a few others. I swear everyone went silent as they entered like they were royalty.

Heck even Scarlett's looking at them with wide googly eyes. Turning back around to Scarlett I hear a high pitched scream, looking too see who it was I see a beautiful blonde running towards Aaron and jumping on too his lap.

Must be another one of his sluts.

"They are the 'leaders' of this college. Aaron Hunter, Sapphire Mota, Josh Mitchell,Conner Scott, Luke Collin, Kaitlyn Simones and Zach Evans" Scarlett says still in awe.

"Yeah I know them, Kaitlyn's my cousin"


"Yeah not really. Is the blonde Aaron's girlfriend?" I ask as I see them snogging, a pang of jealousy hitting me.

"No they're just.... fuckbuddies she's the 'QUEEN BITCH' of the College"

"Fuckbuddies? that's disgusting"

"Yeah I guess" Looking over at their table again I catch Kaitlyn's eye, she motions for me to go over there but I refuse until she tells Josh to come over and get me.

"Come on Skai you get to sit with the cool kids today your little friend can join us to" Josh says walking over.

"I'd rather not"

"No no she's lying she'd love to" Scarlett speaks for me as she wacks my arm and looks up at Josh like he was flipping royalty.

Getting up we follow him, I mentally cursed Scarlett and huffed in annoyance as we reached them.

"Hey there princess" Aaron smirks as he notices me, still trying to avoid him I take my seat next too Zach.

"How's your day going so far?" Luke asks

"Fine." I reply

Aaron and Queen bitch went back to their snogging and I gagged at the sounds they'd make. I don't get how he could've kissed me so calmly and sweetly, then he kisses her roughly and with no passion. He's so annoying and confusing.



Short chapter sorry:( Writing this isn't as easy as you think yanoo.




Thanks- Zara x

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