background & character introduction

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Just a note that this series will officially be launched at a much later date. I'm putting the background & character intro 1st since I've already have it in mind. This series is actually a request fic for mafia AU. Somehow the inspiration came and fitted the theme, so here it is. Khoor tord na kha (sorry). I'm afraid I can't fulfill all of your requests cause it really is based on inspiration by the end of the day. If it clicks, it clicks. The imaginative mind has its way of working when it comes to story writing so I can't really predict. It may or may not fit what you have in mind. Anyway, less rambling. Let's roll out the cast for this series:

 Let's roll out the cast for this series:

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Joong Archen Chivaaree

youngest among the Chivaaree brothers

Mafia Don in charge of the Marseille branch in France

Mafia Don in charge of the Marseille branch in France

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Dunk Natachai Tangsakyuen

eldest among the triplets

brother of Phuwin and Gemini

Front manager of Souri Cafe, Bangkok branch

Pond Naravit Chivaaree

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Pond Naravit Chivaaree

third among the 4 Chivaaree brothers

Mafia Don in charge of Chivaaree branch in Japan (so he's basically a yakuza)

Mafia Don in charge of Chivaaree branch in Japan (so he's basically a yakuza)

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Phuwin Tangsakyuen

second among the triplets

brother of Dunk and Gemini

kitchen manager of Souri Cafe, Bangkok branch

Important supporting character

Important supporting character

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Gemini Tangsakyuen and 

youngest among the triplets

brother of Dunk and Phuwin

handles the business end and accounts of Souri cafe. 

Fourth's husband

Fourth Tangsakyuen

Gemini's husband. 


occasionally helps Gemini in the cafe  

Bright Vachiravit Chivaaree and Win Metawin

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Bright Vachiravit Chivaaree and Win Metawin

Married to each other.

Bright is the second eldest among the four siblings, he leads the Paris branch in France 

Bright is the second eldest among the four siblings, he leads the Paris branch in France 

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Earth Chivaaree and Mix

both deceased

married to each other

reason of death unknown but the siblings are certain that they were killed 

led the Thailand branch 


A/N: So Joong and Pond are basically in a mafia organization using Bright's surname. Chivaaree. It's all by birthright I guess you could say. That's all to it.

What do you think of the cast this round? 

I don't think I know that much about mafias but yup, hopefully you'll enjoy. 

My English is not always on point, I apologize if some description may come off weird. English is not my first language. I'm trying my best. I find it difficult to describe some scenes I have in my head. This is an unbeta-d story, sorry for any English or grammar mistakes in advanced. I hope you are as excited as I am about this story. 🤩🤩 

disclaimer, none of the pictures belong to me. they are all from the internet. I do plan to add a lil French and Japanese here and there because of the background of the character. I'm definitely not well verse in it. Not even in the Thai language used in most of my series. Mr google is my teacher for it. It is not my intention if I butcher the language🥹🥹. I'm just writing it to maintain the authenticity of the series. I'm not well verse with the language nor the culture but I hope you understand that this is fiction. If you can direct me to how it is actually written, I'm more than happy to to edit it. but again this is fiction, please don't take it too seriously. So yes, please don't quote me on any language reference, please ask a native speaker if you would like to learn their language. 

As mentioned at the beginning I'm only working on this series much later. I'm actually working on my ABO series currently- My Personal (Omega) Bodyguard first become coming to this. I'm just a little too excited for this series and I don't want to lose the inspiration of the cast as of yet, so I'll rolling this character intro 1st while it's still fresh in my mind. You can bookmark this 1st and if you are already following me, let's hope the notification for updates work. I'll come back to this when the other series is done. 

Are you excited for this series? 

If you really are excited I may drop one or two random EP is time permits? 🤣🤣can't promise at all with the current schedule. 

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