[EP 4] The Chivaaree business

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Pond and Joong eyed the people in the room. Phi Earth and Phi Mix's so-called underlings. Both of them sat in the big armchair that their brother and his husband used to sit in for meetings like this. The rest of the group standing in front of them. But not all of them were present. Neo was looking at them with a look of hatred. His missing finger obvious behind the bandage.

"You are telling me that this is everyone?" Joong raised his eyebrow at Neo.

"They refused to come." Neo answered smugly.

"And now you are telling me that they are not listening to you, an underboss?" Joong huffed. Before Neo could reply, Joong had gunned him down. Everyone in the room was shocked. Before anyone could recover from that incident, Daou, Offroad, Boun and Prem had dragged in the capos that were missing from the meeting. They threw them in front of Neo's corpse. Joong signaled to them. They gunned them down before anyone could blink.

"I don't have as much patience as my brother here. If you fail, you're done permanently. I don't tolerate failure. Comprends-tu (do you understand)?" The people in the room looked at Joong in confusion.

"Khao chai mai (do you understand)?" Pond added. All of them nodded quickly. Pond had dismissed the lower ranking individuals, retaining only the capos and soldiers. They updated them on the workings within their organization in Thailand. Mark was the next underboss in line. Pond and Joong had agreed with this arrangement for the time being. He will be under probation. They had re-elected capos to lead the subgroups within the organization. All in all, it was a productive meeting. They understood that it was no joking matter with Pond and Joong. Everyone thought that they had come alone. No one expected Daou, Offroad, Boun and Prem's appearance. They knew they were Pond and Joong's righthand men. They were a force to be reckoned with. Joong's display of authority had them trembling in fear.

Pond and Joong's priority were to exert control over the organization. They needed to get the organization in order before they could focus on investigating the death of their brother and his husband. They headed towards Souri after the gruelling meeting.

"hoort teeh (that was so cool). You've grown up, ototo. I'm so proud of you." He hugged Joong. Joong grumbled that he was too old for this but he couldn't hide the smile on his face. He knew that Pond doesn't see him as the baby that Bright thinks he is.

"Oh yea, Phi Bai said that you'll know this Kitsune guild. He said that Dunk will get in contact with them once we find the murderer" Pond whistled at that piece of news.

"Shiaa... No wonder, Phi Bai said not to worry. They are like a mafia organization for assassins. Their name is as big or even bigger than the Chivaaree. They are like THE assassin guild in Japan." Pond looked amazed at their brother's ability to rope them in. Joong frowned at the prospect of Dunk knowing such dangerous people. He didn't get to linger at that thought as they arrived at the café. Dunk and Phuwin were serving customers with the brightest smile that seem to calm the storm within the brothers. 

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Pond and Joong quietly took a seat, not wanting to bother them with their work but Dunk had noticed and waved at them

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Pond and Joong quietly took a seat, not wanting to bother them with their work but Dunk had noticed and waved at them. He gestured to Phuwin, who wore an annoyed look before going over.

 He gestured to Phuwin, who wore an annoyed look before going over

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 He wore a forced smile as he passed them the lunch menu. Joong knew how whipped his brother was with that dreamy look on his face. He hid a smile behind his hand. Joong had ordered for the both of them since Pond's brain had stopped functioning at this point. Phuwin didn't seem to appreciate how Pond stared at him.

"I don't think he likes you very much." Joong tried to suppress a chuckle.

"He will learn to love me. Our Chivaaree charm works all time." Joong shook his head. He didn't know where Pond gets his confidence.

Joong chose to focus on the warm food once it arrived. He enjoyed the little bliss while he can. They'll need to look into his brother's murder as soon as possible before they lose their trail.      


~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 

A/N: Pond is so love stricken🤣🤣 

How are you all finding the series, is it to your liking? This is my take on a mafia series, is this how you imagined it to be? 

What do you think Dunk actually does? 

Introducing the additional cast (I'll be doing this from time to time when I introduce new characters in the EP):

Introducing the additional cast (I'll be doing this from time to time when I introduce new characters in the EP):

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Daou and Offroad

Joong's righthand men

Joong's righthand men

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Boun and Prem 

Pond's righthand men

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