[EP 23] It's time

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Dunk, Boss and the rest of the assassins within the guild were preparing themselves. They only have one shot at the Fenrir. They needed to take Luke out  before more of their men come into Thailand. Even with what they have now, they have a slim chance of surviving.

"Should you sit this out? For Nouel's sake?" Dunk asked Boss as they armed themselves.

"I will never forgive myself. Not to mention Nouel will never forgive me. And your brothers will hunt me down." He chuckled. Dunk gave a soft smile. He looked towards his men with one thought in mind. He will have to get Luke as fast as he can so he doesn't lose any of them. Dunk took in a deep breath, relaxing himself as he prepared for what's ahead.

"Run in the shadow, walk in the light. May their death be swift and ours untouched." Dunk's voice ring through the room and the others repeated after him. They wore their mask, ready for the battle of their lives.


Joong was surprised when Pond, Phuwin, Gemini and Fourth rushed through the door. Boun and Prem accompanied them as well as two more gentlemen that he didn't quite know what to make off.

"Where's Dunk?" Pond asked him urgently. Joong felt a stab to his heart. He just shrugged, indicating that he didn't know.

"How could you not know?! You promised to look after my brother!" Phuwin was pulling Joong by the collar at this point. Pond had to calm him down.

"That kitsune guy is taking care of him, he doesn't need me." They were all looking at him in confusion.

"What kitsune guy? Dunk is kitsune!" Gemini shouted. It was Joong's turn to be confused.

"Ototo (younger brother), Dunk is the Don of the kitsune assassin guild. So where is he?" Joong could hear the desperation in Pond's voice but he couldn't wrap his head around what he told him.

Phuwin and Gemini had suddenly gasped in pain. Their faen looked over to them anxiously.

"hia... we don't have time." Phuwin panted as Pond supported him.

"I may know where he is." Gulf said as all eyes looked towards him. He switched on his phone to check on the tracker that they had on Dunk.

He clearly remembered the conversation that he had with Bright the night before...

"I know I said I would like Joong to get him into the family but not in this literal sense!" Bright thew the file he had in his hand.

"Puuean (friend). Love is love. There's no way of stopping it. He's miserable now." Bright sighed. He can't deny it. He fell in love with Win without knowing it. He couldn't stop himself from loving him since.

"Fine, if he asks for his coordinate just give it to him. If he asks you to help him, help him." Gulf knew Bright loves his brother.

Phuwin and Gemini had needed to stop by somewhere before rescuing their brother. This was the first time that Joong and Pond stepped foot into the guild. It was a really unassuming building. They were surprised when Fourth suit up along with Phuwin and Gemini. Pond watched as his faen armed himself. He couldn't help but fall in love with this dangerous side of him.


When they reached the Fenrir homebase, bodies were already lining the ground floor. First was weak but alive. He had pointed towards the direction of where Dunk and the rest went.

When they walked in. they saw how Boss and the rest were fighting of Luke's men as Dunk tried to get closer to Luke. Joong had started gunning people down without wasting time. Luke was surprised to see Chivaaree brothers and their four horsemen. They was evenly matched with the kitsune guild before they came. He knew he was outnumbered with this additional reinforcement. But he wanted Dunk dead.

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