[EP 15] Meeting the Kitsune Assassin Guild

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Joong woke up to the smell of coffee. Dunk had prepared breakfast for the both of them. Pond had just walked in. Joong had glared at him. He had laughed sheepishly. Dunk asked Pond if he had breakfast with Phuwin to which he nodded. Joong had freshened himself and thanked Dunk for breakfast. He continued to glare at his brother who was quietly sipping his coffee. Dunk patted his shoulder and thanked him for taking care of him before leaving.

"Did you do the deed?" Pond wiggled his eyebrow.

"I was trying not to roll off the sofa while someone didn't pick up the phone." He glared at Pond who wore an apologetic look. The doorbell rang before they could talk on the subject further. Boun, Prem, Daou and Offroad came with their findings. Pond and Joong browsed through it. There's no doubt. The timeline matched. The cause of death clear as day.

It was time.


Dunk had flipped through the information, taking the map and photos of the people they wanted Kitsune guild to take out. He kept Mark's photo on the table.

"Do you want to take him out yourself or do you want Kitsune to take him out? He was the one who rigged the car." He looked towards Pond and Joong. Joong slid the photo towards him and Pond.

"We'll take him out Chivaaree style." Pond grinned at Joong's answer. Dunk nodded.

"So total wipe of out the Kojót? I'll let you know when Kitsune is ready then you can take Mark out" Pond and Joong nodded.


Dunk had given them a date. Apparently, that's the day that all the members of Kojót will gather at the mansion. Dunk had given them a specific time to turn up at the mansion. It's the practice of the Kitsune guild that they witness the end result. An acknowledgment that their deal is completed.


Pond and Joong had timed it exactly two hours before they were due at the mansion. Mark was not with any of the men. He was at home enjoying a quiet night. His penthouse was dark with just a few soft lights. Something he wouldn't have been able to afford if he had continued the role that he did. Earth had never appreciated the hard work he did. The Kojót paid better. It would be a matter of time before he takes over the Chivaaree branch in Thailand. He smiled as he downed his glass of whisky.

"Macallan 1926, good taste" Mark was shocked to hear Pond's voice. Joong had switch on the lights. Mark had shielded his eyes. He was shock to feel the cold barrel of a gun on the back of his head.

"So, this is what you exchanged my brother's life for? This is why you betrayed the Chivaaree?" Joong said with cold anger. Daou and Offroad held Mark down. Mark wanted to deny. He wanted to come out with a reason that he didn't. He broke out in cold sweat when no words came to him. Pond had laughed at his reaction.

"Less talking, ototo (younger brother)."

"You've been granted the Chivaaree death. It's such a honor for you. How long ago was the last one, Phi Pond?"

"Too long to remember." Pond replied as he rolled out different types of torturing tools.

"It's going to be a long and painful death." Joong wore an evil grin.


Daou and Offroad had stayed back to make sure that Mark doesn't escape while he slowly bleeds to death. The wrath of the Chivaaree is no joke. Their cold steel anger is all consuming. They arrived at the Kojót mansion.

It was quiet. A little too quiet that Pond and Joong started to doubt if the Kitsune guild really played their part. Pond and Joong were used to screams or gun fire when they wanted to end business. Pond and Joong had armed themselves, Prem and Boun mirroring them as they headed inside. When they pushed the door open, it was a blood bath. Bodies were lying everywhere. As they moved further in, they saw Joss Way-ar kneeling on the floor. He was holding a katana to his neck. He being a man dressed in black with a mask on his face. 

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