[EP 29] I can't resist🔞🔞(JD)

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Joong had waited for Dunk in the Onsen. He was admiring Dunk as he took off his clothes. This was the first time he truly looked at his fiancé and saw the silver scars that lined his body. He didn't know how he missed it the last time. Perhaps it was the heat of the moment or the rush and desire for Dunk that made him missed the details. But now it was clear as day. When Dunk's back faced him as he enters the Onsen, Joong had finally caught sight of the Kitsune tattoo on his back. Dunk sighed as he submerged into the Onsen. He reaches towards Dunk, giving him a shoulder massage.

"I could get used to this." Dunk hummed in satisfaction.

"How about more?" Joong asked as he trailed kissed up his shoulder. Dunk turns around and reaches for a kiss. Joong devours his mouth. He lifts him to the side of the Onsen, peppering kisses all over his body, nipping whenever he felt like it. Joong spreads his open and ate him out. Dunk was a writhing mess. Joong preps his hole before sinking into him, pulling him into the water after. He wants to memorize all of his fiancé's look of pleasure, all the gasp and moans he makes as he plunged deep within him. The look of ecstasy when he comes. He don't think he'll ever get tired of it. Dunk was holding onto him as he came down from his high. Joong laid a light peck on his temple. Dunk yelped before a moan escaped him as Joong stood up with his length still within Dunk. The change in movement drove it deeper.

"Why are you still hard?" Dunk gasped.

"I'm not done with you yet." Joong whispered huskily. He dried both of them roughly, making his way to their bed with Dunk in his arms for yet another round.


Joong felt the warm solid form of his fiancé in his arms as he woke up. He was spooning Dunk. The last round they were together, Dunk had left before he woke up. But now with him in his arms, he felt that whatever that happened last night wasn't a dream. He is going to marry to Dunk. He gets to have him for the rest of his life. He kissed his shoulder, letting his hand wonder around his chest. He heard Dunk grunt. He had a mischievous smile on his face. He pinched Dunk's sensitive bud as he glides his length along his crack. He rocked back and forth. Dunk moaned as he was woken up by Joong's action.

"Don't tell me, you are still horny after last night..." Dunk gasped as he felt Joong inserted a fingers into his hole, checking if he was still wet. His channel was undeniably wet from their activity last night. Dunk moaned his name when he added another. He wanted to stretch him a little, just in case.

"I can never get enough of you." Joong whispered huskily before lifting one of his thigh and slides into his channel. He moaned at the sensation, unable to believe that Dunk was still tight despite last night. He rocked back and forth, building a slow thrust before changing his position. He held onto Dunk's waist as he turned, forcing Dunk to be on all four as he continued to thrust into him. Dunk hid his face into the pillow trying to muffle out his moans. Joong bends forward with his chest flushed against Dunks back. He guides his face to his aiming for a kiss.

"None of that, my sunflower. Don't be shy now. I want to see you. I want to hear you." He whispered huskily, thrusting in to make his point. Dunk loud moan could be heard at that sensation. He was satisfied that Dunk had listened to his instruction. He got back up, grabbing hold of Dunk's hips as he piston in. He spreads his cheeks as he watches his length disappear in and out of him. He moaned at the sight and sensation that he can't seem to get enough. He helped Dunk up, thrusting deeper into him as he angles upwards. He circled his hips until he finds the right angle up his sweet spot. Dunk mewled. He stroked Dunk's shaft along to the rhythm that he already had it going. He rammed into him as he chased his pleasure. Joong can sense it, he knows that Dunk was almost there as he hears him chant his name.

"Come for me, baby boy." He thrusted harder and deeper, giving Dunk's length a tight squeeze while pinching his sensitive bud. Dunk's back arched as he came hard, prompting Joong to follow behind. They panted as they fall onto the bed.

"What a way to wake up, can we do this every morning?" Joong asked Dunk hopefully as he kissed his shoulder. Dunk slapped Joong's hand with what energy he had left.

"No, I won't be able to work at Souri like this. I don't think I can even walk straight after this." He huffed.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Joong said while kissing his temple. He dived down for a slow kiss. He can't seem to get enough of Dunk's taste. He can truly get used to this- having Dunk by his side. He had a dreamy look as he took in the view of Dunk basking in his afterglow. Dunk, the love of his life. His forever. He really couldn't be more happy than he is now.   

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N:  The thought process behind this EP: at first I was like nah... JD already had a smut scene why would I need to write another. Then I was like okay... maybe a lil.. like a sorta smut... then I was like aaah... just write it! so that's what happened.. I surrendered n wrote a full on smut scene at the end...extra bonus for JD fans.  I think I've mentioned before that I don't reread my smut scenes so I really dunno what to make of this EP 😅😅... do let me know... 

does the sorta smut scene work? 

was the actually smut scene okay? 

PP fans.. don't worry the JDPP (PP centric) short series that is coming soon will have more smut scenes for them... JD may get some action as well? at least one? m not sure yet.... will know when the time comes. 

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