[EP 6] Food is the way to the heart

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Joong watched as Dunk guided Pond in cooking Phuwin's favourite ramen. Dunk had really gone all out. He had dropped by in the morning to teach Pond on how to get the soup going. Now they are preparing the last steps for the ramen. He had never seen his brother put in so much effort for a love interest. He must be serious this round.

The doorbell rang when they were done. Dunk quickly took off the apron and brush off any evidence of helping Pond. He opened the door. Phuwin walked in with coffee and macarons from Souri. He eyed Pond suspiciously as he saw him in an apron putting 4 bowls of ramen on the dining table.

"Pond made ramen, it's your favourite. Let's eat." Phuwin narrowed his eyes at his brother but the ramen smelled good so he relented. He couldn't believe that it was authentic ramen.

"Bpen ngai bang? Aroi mai? (how is it? Does it taste good?)" Pond looked at Phuwin expectedly.

"gor shuey shuey (it's okay)" Phuwin mumbled but he was slurping like no tomorrow. Dunk had winked at Pond signaling to him that he was doing great. Pond beamed. Dunk had informed Phuwin of their findings on Phi Earth's death once they finished their meal. Pond asked Phuwin for his input, which surprised him. Phuwin never expected his input to matter since it was between the Chivaaree brothers to look into Phi Earth's death. 

"Erm... if you were to ask me, I do agree with hia. We should look into it further before you make a move on this Mark. It seems like they know your organization pretty well. They know who to get on their side without you all being suspicious. They know how you would react, getting Neo out of the way. This Mark is the underboss now, isn't he?" Both Pond and Joong's eye widen at his insight.

"So, they are either close to the family or someone Phi Earth had done business with." Phuwin nodded at Pond's assessment. He wasn't as air-headed as he thought he was. The both of them started exchanging their thoughts about the case. Dunk had led Joong away from the table to give them some privacy. Joong observed the beam in Dunk's eyes as he saw their brothers got closer.

"Why would you want to matchmake our brothers together?" Joong was curious. No one would willingly allow their brother to date a mafia don.

"Why not? Pond seemed like an okay kind of guy. They seemed good for each other, I'm pretty sure they will contra each other's shortcomings. Unless you're telling me that your brother is a cheater?" Dunk's eyes narrowed.

"Bpao (no), my brother is loyal to a fault" Dunk sighed in relief.

"I had always wished that my brothers will find someone to look after them. To love them more than I do. To give them a better life than what we have now." Dunk smiled as he looked towards Phuwin. Joong was mesmerized by Dunk's love for his brothers. Even though Joong and his siblings knew that they love each other. They were still cold and distant towards each other most of the time. A result of their training to carry the Chivaaree name. But the way Dunk puts it, it was filled with warmth and love. Something he had never witnessed in his life. He was shaken out of his thought when he heard the dining chair dragging across the floor. Their brothers' conversation was done. Dunk and Phuwin had left since they do have an early shift to get things ready for the café.

Pond did his victory dance when the door closed behind them. Joong huffed in response. Pond flopped onto the sofa in exhaustion after all the dancing. "You're going to have another brother-in-law soon" Pond informed Joong with a smile.

"Are you moving ahead of yourself?" Joong raised his eyebrow.

"It's only a matter of time. He's it. He's it for me." Pond said dreamily. Joong sighed.

"What conclusion did both of you draw?" Joong wondered if their conversation were productive at all with how dreamy his brother was.

"We relook into the people Phi Earth had business with. When Mark accompanied him for business. We trace back to see when Mark started going rogue." Joong hummed in agreement. That sounded like a plan.   

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Pond is beyond smitten by Phuwin in this series that I begin to wonder if I'm writing a mafia series. 🤣🤣 does fluff really goes with violence? 😅😅

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