[EP 21]Don't think, just feel 🔞🔞(JD)

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He was surprised when Dunk moved towards him and gave him a hug.

"Your brother isn't wrong. You shouldn't blame Phi Bai. He has your best interest at heart. I'll be fine." Joong hugged him tighter at what he said.

"How can you say that? How can you say that when you nearly died yesterday?" His voice muffled as he spoke to Dunk's chest.

"We weren't as prepared as we thought we were. Boss is back now. We have more reinforcement. The guild knows what they are doing." Joong was beyond annoyed that Dunk would rather rely on that guy than him. His jealousy made him see red. He crashed his lips against Dunk. As Dunk gasped in surprise, it gave Joong's tongue the opportunity to explore his mouth. Dunk couldn't help but moan in response. That had shocked Dunk out of his system. He ended the kiss and leaned his forehead against Joong.

"We can't Joong. We can't..." Dunk said in regret.

"Can't we be selfish for once? Can't we just give into our desire for once?" Joong pleaded.

"And if I will never be able to see you again after? If this is-" Joong didn't allow Dunk to finish his thought, He carried him and placed him on his brother's big mahogany desk.

"Stop thinking, Dunk. Just feel. Just for tonight, let us be together. Just tonight." He pressed another kiss on Dunk's lips, not giving him time to doubt. He swept off what was on the table as he pressed Dunk down. Dunk's back was flat on the table surface with his feet dangling off it. Joong trailed kisses down his neck as he unbuttoned his shirt. He was drawn to the juncture of his neck, he licked at it before sucking on it causing Dunk to moan at the sensation. He wanted to leave his mark even if it's just for a night. He doesn't stop there as he trailed further down his chest. His tongue circled one of his sensitive nubs before sucking it, while he twisted the other between his thumb and forefinger.

"Joong..." Dunk couldn't help but moaned his name. Joong had expected Dunk to pull on his hair with that kind of stimulation but Dunk didn't. His fingers drawing circles on Joong's scalp as he can't decide whether he wanted Joong to stop or continue. Joong unbuckled his belt, taking off his underwear and pants at a go. Dunk's shaft was hard with arousal. His slit beading precum. Joong licked it off before sucking on his head. He took in Dunk's shaft as far as he could, creating a slow rhythm as he bobbed up and down it. Dunk's back arched off the table at that stimulation. 

Joong lets go of Dunk's shaft with a pop before he comes. He spreads Dunk's legs wide. He kissed his way up his inner thigh, sucking on it. He loved the moans that came out of Dunk as he did. He spreads open his cheeks, giving him more access to his entrance. His tongue circled it before dipping in. Dunk tried to find something to grip on as he gripped the corner of the table. Joong was going to be the death of him, he wouldn't mind going this way. Joong thrusted his tongue in and out, Dunk gripped the table tighter until his knuckles turned white. Every time Dunk felt that he was near, Joong will stop. He was growing frustrated.

"Joong, please..." Joong chuckled at Dunk's response.

"Patience, my sunflower. Let me prep you first" he steps out of his underwear and slacks. His erection stood hard and proud. He searched through the drawer. He was pretty sure his brother keeps a bottle of lube in his office. He knew how active his brother and brother-in-law are in this aspect. He coated his fingers with the lube and slowly inserted one finger into Dunk's channel. When Dunk adjusted to it, he thrusted it forth and back. It was a little uncomfortable for Dunk at first but he had slowly gotten used to it. Joong inserted two and made a scissors motion to open him up. He stroked his shaft as he did to ease the discomfort. Dunk was unsure of what he felt as pain and pleasure intertwined. Joong inserted three fingers from there. He curled his fingers trying to find that bundle of nerve. When he heard Dunk moaned his name, he knew he found it. He kissed Dunk on the lips as he retracted his fingers. Dunk moaned in disappointment once again. Joong didn'tt give him time to lament on it as he coated his shaft and slowly thrusted forward.

It burned but Joong was patient with Dunk as he slowly inch in. Joong felt big to Dunk. He filled him in places that he never thought was possible. Joong hissed as he felt how tight Dunk was. He felt him everywhere. When he was in till the hilt, he waited for Dunk to adjust as his shaft throbbed within his channel.

"Move Joong." Dunk whispered breathlessly. Joong thrusted to a shallow, slow rhythm. Dunk could feel the pleasure slowly building within him. He couldn't believe the words that came out of him.

"Faster, Joong... Deeper" Dunk moaned. 

Joong adjusted his thrust to Dunk's request. He bends down to give Dunk a kiss before picking him up. Dunk instinctive wrapped his legs around Joong. Joong wrapped his arms around Dunk's waist, moving Dunk at a rhythm. Letting him free fall on his shaft. Dunk's fingers dug into Joong's back as he chanted Joong's name. He didn't think it was possible to feel Joong this deep. When Dunk rolled his hips along with Joong's movement. It prompted Joong to fall back onto the chair.

"Take all that you want from me, baby boy. I'm all yours tonight." Joong whispered huskily. Dunk ride Joong, moving himself up and down his shaft. Joong had a loose hold on Dunk's shaft which he knew what to do instinctively. Dunk was chasing his pleasure from both ends as he thrusted up to Joong's hold and down to his shaft. 

"That's it, baby boy. You feel so good..." Joong couldn't help but be mesmerized by Dunk's look of pleasure. He tried to memorize it. Dunk circled his hip until he found the angle where Joong's shaft was hitting his sweet spot. Dunk mewled at that sensation. His movement became erratic as he chased that feeling within. Joong moaned along with him at the stimulation.

"I'm gonna...gonna..." Dunk had difficulty finishing his sentence as feeling of ecstasy overwhelmed him. He was already at the brim but Joong understood it perfectly. 

"Then come for me" Joong commanded, Dunk let loose. His shaft spurting cum all over their chest. His channel clenched on Joong's shaft. Joong moaned at that sensation. He gave a few more hard thrusts and came within Dunk. Dunk moaned at the over stimulation as Joong gave a few more shallow thrust to finish off. Both of them were panting as they came down from their high. Joong gave Dunk a few lazy kisses. He rolled the chair forward and grabbed a few tissues to wipe Dunk's cum off the both of them. He chased Dunk's lips for one last kiss.

He wished the night wouldn't end.      

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 🫣🫣I didn't imagine the JD smut to be this fast n they aren't official yet but it fitted so here it is... still not used to it, no matter how many times I write I still feel shy about this😳😳

I'm not a smut writer. It's tough to write a different smut scene so it doesn't repeat between series. It takes a lot out of me to write a smut scene, and I'm exhausted by the end of it. I'm gonna apologize ahead if it comes to a point where I repeat or that it becomes one dimensional.  😅😅 There's only so much I can come up with. khoor tord na kha (sorry) 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

JD fans, do you like this? is the wait worth it? though they are not official yet😅😅something to enjoy as the slow burn continues🤭🤭

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