[EP 3] Decoding in progress

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Joong didn't know what to make of Dunk. He didn't flinch nor blink when he cleaned their table. He was humming a tune to some song that he had never heard off. He continued to look at Dunk from the rearview mirror as he drove Pond and him to Bright's penthouse. His brother, Pond had encouraged Dunk to sing the whole song. They had an impromptu karaoke session that Pond roped Joong in. It was a cute song. Anything about Dunk screamed cute. 

Joong shook his head. He doesn't deny that it was a fitting song for their current predicament. It was a good song indeed.


"Welcome to your humble abode." Dunk did an exaggerated gesture of welcome when they reach the penthouse. He gave them a grand tour. Apparently, his brother had decided ahead of time which room Joong and Pond will be taking. It's so alike him to be this organized.

"That is Phi Bai's office and this room is Phi Bai's secret room that I'm not allowed in. But you are his brothers so I assume it doesn't apply to you. Please ask him beforehand. Do any of you cook? Would you like me to stock up some food for you?" Both Pond and Joong shook their head.

"We can always head to your café, non (no)?" Pond nodded his head enthusiastically at the prospect of meeting Phuwin daily. Dunk laughed.

"Mei burr loh (won't you get bored)? I tell you what, I'll bring both of you out when it's my day off. We'll explore different food in town. If you really do get bored on a work day, do let me know. I'll whip up something different but you can't eat at the front of the café." Joong and Pond thanked him for his kind gesture. Joong wasn't too fond when Pond hugged him in his usual dramatic self. He can't explain the feeling burning within him.


"What's with that look when I hug him? You like him, don't you?" Pond wiggled his eyebrow at Joong after Dunk left.

"Don't you find him weird? He didn't even flinch when he cleaned our table? And I still don't know how he'll able to "settle" things as Phi Bai puts it."

"You think too much, Joong. Even if you don't trust him, you shouldn't doubt Phi Bai. You know how anal he is about things. If he trusts him, we should trust him" Pond didn't understand why is Joong that against Dunk. That guy seemed pretty fine to him.

"People like him don't belong in our world." Too bright for a world filled with darkness. Joong thought. Pond huffed.

"That's the reason, isn't it? I hate to break it to you, ototo (younger brother). If he is Phi Win's cousin, he isn't going fall far. He can't escape it." Pond left him at that. Joong was agitated so he called his brother, Bright.

"Est tu fou (are you crazy)? That kid will settle everything?" Bright chuckled at Joong's outburst.

"He knows the Kitsune guild. They will settle it. You can ask Pond about it. He's more familiar with that group." Joong huffed at his answer. It seems like Dunk's café is a central point. Perhaps he can ask him more about his brother Earth. It's a good starting point.

"And this secret room that Dunk spoke about? What is it?" Joong was curious when Dunk mentioned it but he could take a guess on what it was. 

"Oooh... that's just the weaponry room. You and Pond can take a pick on what you like. I take it that you are settling in nicely?" Bright couldn't help but felt the need to check in on how they were doing. He is their elder brother after all. 

"hmm... Pond still has a flare for dramatics. Neo was trying to take over Phi Earth's place so Pond completed his yakuza tradition." Joong felt the need to report to Bright on they first encounter with Phi Earth's organization. 

"Yubitsume? Old but classic. They'll know who is boss then. Bonne Chance (good luck). Stay safe. Losing one brother is enough." Bright sighed. How he wished he didn't have to send his brothers to settle this lose end. They had lost the eldest Chivaaree. They are not allowing Bright to settle the issue because he is the oldest now.

"t'inquiète pas (don't worry), there's two of us and we're well trained." Joong knows his brother worries but they are no longer kids. He wished that he would trust them a little more.

"Let Dunk know if you run into trouble." Joong was annoyed at the mention of him.

"I still don't know why you put so much faith in him." Bright chuckled.

"I would trust him with Win's life" Joong was shocked by that admission. His brother viewed Phi Win's life as more valuable than his. Joong couldn't begin to understand the mystery behind that cute angel. Joong shook his head and reminded himself that he was here for business.


Meanwhile, with Bright and Win...

"You're still not telling Joong? You know that Dunk will not willingly expose himself" Win asked Bright as he ended his call.

"Let him find out on his own. Give your cousin a little satisfaction" He smirked. Win laughed.


At Phuwin and Dunk's shared apartment...

"What do you make of Phi Bai's brothers?" Phuwin asked Dunk once he got home. Dunk shrugged.

"Like what you can expect of the Chivaaree brothers." He tried to massage his own shoulder as he felt the ache setting in. 

"Hot headed, arrogant, wilful?" Dunk huffed at Phuwin's description. Well, he wasn't completely wrong nor was he completely right.

"Lack of assurance, lack of warmth, lack of love" That would be how he would description Joong.

"hia, only you would see it that way." Phuwin shook his head. He didn't know how his brother still see the good in people with their experience and being in the business that they were in. Dunk chuckled.

"That Pond seemed fond of you." Dunk teased Phuwin.

"Like Phi Win being married into the Chivaaree family isn't enough?" Phuwin narrowed his gaze towards Dunk. He didn't know what is so great about them but he does know his cousin's love for his husband is without bound.

"You can leave the business and be safer if you are with him." Dunk said in all seriousness. He would prefer that his brothers have safety than to lead the life that they are leading currently.

"Hia... I will never leave you and Gem to continue on your own." Phuwin said with conviction. He knew that his brother wanted them safe but he's not leaving him.

"Getting Gem out is not an issue." Dunk hoped to persuade Phuwin.

"But you won't leave. Then we won't leave." Dunk sighed at his answer. Phuwin was always too stubborn for his own good. He got ready for a shower to call it a day, getting some rest while he still can. The Chivaaree storm is brewing. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: long EPs but I still relented and release 2 EP since there isn't all that much in this EP. This is like a plot building EP that I dunno whether it would seem boring so I decided to add another. 

I have no idea how or why that a mafia series can also be cute 🤣🤣 violence and fluff is kinda of a odd combo but it happened. Does it work for you all? 

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