[EP 16] Panic

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 Dunk had sighed as he cleaned his katana and changed out of his outfit. He took a quick shower, planning his next course of action. He made a call to Fourth. Gemini might not listen to him but he will follow Fourth. Just as he got off the call with Fourth, Phuwin had walked into their shared apartment.

"Hia, what's going on? I can feel it. You are anxious about something. I'm sure Gem can feel it too." Phuwin looked at Dunk worriedly as their triplet intuition kicked in.

"I'm booking the next flight out for you, Gem and Fot. I need you to get out of Thailand. Mile sama and Apo sama will take you in. You'll be safer with them in Japan." Dunk said hurriedly as he worked on his phone.

"Gert alai kuen (what's happened)? I'm getting more worried by the minute." Phuwin stopped Dunk from working on his phone.

"The Kojót that the Chivaaree sent us out to deal with was under the protection of the Fenrir."

"And you completed the deal?! Sho ki ka (are you insane)?" Phuwin shouted.

"A deal is a deal. Kitsune doesn't back down from their word. That's why you need to leave with Fot and Gem." Dunk hurried Phuwin to pack his things. Phuwin stopped him.

"No, hia. I'm staying with you." Phuwin said with determination.

"Phu, please. I need you to take care of Gem. You need to think of Pond too." Phuwin's eyes widen at Pond's name. The fear started to set in Phuwin as they were the one who sent the hit list to Kitsune.

"I'll get Fot and Gem out of the country first. I'll ask Phi Bai to inform Pond that their Japan branch needs him back, you travel with him. Would that be better?" Phuwin hesitated. It sounded like a plan but he was still worried about Dunk.

"mai huang (don't worry). I'll get Meen, Ja, and First to be with me at the café. I'll urge Boss to come back earlier from Korea. I'll be fine." That sounded more like a plan. He knew that his brother will be safer with reinforcement.

"What about Joong?"

"Their Thailand branch can't exist without a Don at this moment. I'll inform Phi Bai to send some of his men over. I'm hoping that the Fenrir will be targeting us rather than the Chivaaree" Phuwin nodded. He couldn't help but reached out to hug his brother.

"Shinanaide (Don't die on me), hia" He cried on his shoulder. Dunk stroke his back to comfort him. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 2 EPs today but rather short😅😅 Yes, they have triplet intuition. Like u watch in those drama were the twin can sense the other kinda thing🤭🤭 U'll see more of it soon. 

This rivalry of Kitsune assassin guild and the Fenrir mafia group is just really playing along with the Japanese folklore that the kitsune is afraid of wolves. Fenrir is like the wolf creature from Norse mythology. In this series, they are like the ultimate enemy of the Kitsune assassin guild.

so many additional cast to introduce this round so here it is:

Meen and Ping

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Meen and Ping

Meen and Ping

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Ja and First

Ja and First

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Where is Nouel? not yet... just not yet.. jai yen yen (calm down).. 🤭🤭

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