[EP 12] Interlude: Phuwin Pt 3 🔞🔞(PP)

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Pond was surprised when Phuwin told him that he'll stay over at his place for the night. His apartment is rather far from Bright's penthouse and he didn't want him to take that extra journey seeing how late it was. He couldn't believe it was already 1am by the time they left the place. It would be 2am by the time he dropped him off and travel back. He told Pond that he had already messaged Dunk so he is well aware of the situation. It was a little awkward on the way up to the penthouse. The undercurrent attraction was not addressed. Phuwin could feel how eager Pond wanted to know his thoughts about their relationship but yet he was afraid. He was afraid that Phuwin wasn't ready. Just as Pond unlocked the door, Phuwin spoke.

"About the message you sent. I'm ready to answer you now." Pond guided him into the penthouse, locking the door behind him. He wanted more privacy to listen to Phuwin's answer.

"Gu... gu chaawp meung meun gan (I...I like you too)." Pond's face was just centimetres away from his.

"Bpen faen gu na (be my boyfriend)?" Pond whispered to which Phuwin nodded. Phuwin had all the intention of just giving Pond a light peck on the lips but one thing led to another. Perhaps they were a little tipsy from the alcohol they drank, perhaps it was the karaoke session that brought them closer or something about the confession they just made. They were kissing each other hungrily, exploring each other's' mouth like no tomorrow. Pond had led him towards his room without breaking their kiss. Pond slammed Phuwin against his bedroom door. He dived in for another passionate kiss as Phuwin explored the span of his chest, taking his t-shirt off him. Phuwin tilted his head as Pond peppered kisses down his neck while unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. When Pond sucked a hickey on his neck, Phuwin bit his lip to stop himself from moaning. Pond kissed his way up to the shell of his ear and whispered huskily, "Don't keep it in, I want to hear you"

"Your brother, Joong..." Phuwin's breath hitched as Pond bit his ear lobe.

"He sleeps like a log, Phi Bai sound proofed all of the rooms. Don't worry. Make all the sound you want, my feisty kitten. Let me hear you" He kissed his way down his chest, grazing his teeth against his sensitive bud before sucking on it. Phuwin couldn't help but moaned at the sensation. Phuwin's pants pooled at his ankle as Pond took it off with ease. He slid his underwear off along with his pants. Phuwin stepped out of it. Phuwin gasped in surprised when Pond went down on him. His hands instinctively grab on to his hair. His eyes half lidded as he looked at Pond. He was staring at him seductively as he bobbed up and down his length. It was too much for Phuwin to take in as he closed his eyes, moaning Pond's name as he focused on his pleasure. Pond tore the packet of lube he had in his pocket. He lubes his fingers before getting Phuwin to spread his stance a little wider. It was a little uncomfortable when he put a finger in but Phuwin focused on the sensation of Pond blowing him. Pond increased from one finger, to two then to three. Thrusting it in and out according to the rhythm he had on his length. Spreading him open, readying him for what's to come. He looks for that bundle of nerves which he knew he found it when Phuwin pulled his hair harder with a hitch of a breath.

Phuwin moaned disappointedly when Pond retracts his fingers and when his length loses the heat from Pond's mouth. Pond rolled on a condom, breaking another pack of lube and lubes himself further. He was afraid of hurting Phuwin. He wrapped one of Phuwin's leg around his hip while he slowly sink into his hole. He peppered kissed around his neck and collar bone, rubbing his arm in comfort. Pond continued to kiss him as he waited for Phuwin to adjust when he was fully sheathed.

When Phuwin was ready, he rocked into him with a slow rhythm. Pond moaned at the sensation of being within Phuwin's tight heat.

"Deeper, faster, Pond..." It nearly broke Pond to hear those words from Phuwin. He lifted him up, holding on to his bottom. Phuwin had instinctive wrapped his legs around his waist. He rocked into Phuwin deeper. Phuwin moaned as he thrusted faster. 

"Pleasure yourself for me, feisty kitten" Phuwin didn't know why he felt compelled to listen to Pond. He started pumping his length, moaning at the sensation as he stroked to Pond's rhythm.

"That's it, kitten. You look so good, feel so good" Pond moaned.  

Pond searched for that magically angle where Phuwin's sweet spot was. He knew he had it when he heard Phuwin moaned "yes! there...right there!" Pond started ramming into Phuwin.

"I'm close... Gonna...gonna come" Phuwin warned Pond.

"Come with me." Pond whispered as he looked at his faen's face filled with ecstasy. Phuwin head arched back as he came. Pond bit into Phuwin's shoulder as he followed him and came hard. They panted heavily as they come down from their high. Pond laid a light kiss on on his should, followed by another to his cheek and lastly to his lips.

Phuwin yelped when Pond carried him to his ensuite bathroom. He blushed when Pond said round two. He wondered where he gets the stamina from. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: I still don't quite dare to read back the smut I wrote. I hoped I have redeemed myself from the first time I wrote for PondPhuwin in the Ties that Binds Us. I dunno if I butchered that one since that was the first smut scene I wrote. I've written a few more after but still... I'm not used to it yet. Is this better than that one?🫣🫣aaa... I dunno... 

Do let me know if you like it. 

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