[EP 10] Interlude: Phuwin Pt 1

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When Dunk implied that Pond was the right match for Phuwin. Phuwin thought that he must be out of his mind. He looked towards their table and rolled his eyes when Pond stared at him dreamily. How could that air head be the right person for him?! And a Chivaaree at that. His brother's radar must be broken.

When his brother told him to deliver an order to Phi Bai's penthouse, he knew something was up. But Dunk said he will meet him there, so he relented. Dunk always prioritized his brothers. So, if he really did feel uncomfortable, Dunk will not hesitant to put a stop to things.

Phuwin was surprised when he saw Pond served an authentic bowl of ramen. He was even more surprised to learn that it wasn't his brother's work. He had eaten more than enough bowls of Dunk's ramen to know how it tasted. This was slightly different, so Pond had really put in the effort to cook this for him. It was good but he was not willingly admit. When they started to discuss Phi Earth's case, he started to see what his brother saw. He really wasn't that air headed as he thought he was.

The more he interacted with him, the more he realized that the air headed, flirty, sociable persona was really just a front. He knows that he can be deadly being born into a family of mafia and he is a yakuza. But it was only now that he understood that it wasn't just a birth right. He really had the brains to go with it. He was surprised by his analytical skills and how he puts things into perspective. And the more he interacted with him, the more he was drawn to him. He also got to see another side of him- the kind and sensitive person that he was.

Lack of assurance, lack of warmth, lack of love

His brother's words replayed in his mind. He clearly remembered the day the Chivaaree brothers went to pay respect to Phi Earth and Phi Mix after they found out who caused their death. They have vowed to avenge them after they have round up all the possible people involved. Dunk and him had accompanied them. Pond had acted nonchalant, teasing him brother, Joong to lighten the mood. But Phuwin knew Pond was cringing inside. When Dunk gave him the look and ushered Joong away, he knew what his brother meant. He led Pond to a secluded spot. A bench underneath a tree. They didn't speak a word. All Phuwin did was embraced him. The flood gates opened. He stroked Pond's back while he grieved.

When Phuwin reached home and saw Dunk's tired look, he assumed the same happened with Joong. Phuwin reached over and hugged Dunk. He was glad that Dunk had raised them differently. He was glad that he was able to seek support from Dunk or even Gemini whenever he needed to hash things out. He was more than glad that Dunk encouraged skinship among the three of them. He can't imagine not being able to be open with his brothers. The both of them were surprised when they felt another pair of arms as Gemini joined the group hug. It seemed that he had come home just at the right moment. Dunk slung an arm over both of them, giving them a deep squeeze as they laughed. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: It started out as PP EP but somehow it took this turn when I was writing it... it became more of the dynamic among the Chivaaree and the Tangsakyuen brothers . I dunno how u all felt but the dynamic between Pond and Joong was kinda raw to me and hitting a lil hard but the dynamic among the triplets was like so warming to me... 🥹🥹 such a huge contrast... 

How do you feel about this EP? 

Tomorrow will truly be about PondPhuwin... yea, tomorrow is PP day for this series.. but I may try to add like a neutral EP for those may not be that interested in PP part. I can try? 

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