[EP 22] Sayonara

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Joong was disappointed when he woke up alone. The bed was cold so it meant Dunk had left some time ago. Dunk had made his favourite coffee. He left a note along with his breakfast.

Take good care of yourself.

Learn to love yourself more than I do.



Joong's heart clenched. He was happy that Dunk implied that he loves him but yet he felt sad. He didn't know that Dunk knew Japanese. He knew that Dunk is saying farewell with the limited Japanese that he knew because of Pond. It meant that he doesn't plan to see him again. He couldn't help the tears that came as he ate the breakfast that Dunk prepared. The mixed feelings within him as he savoured the food that Dunk prepared for him one last time.


Bright had kept his word, he made sure the Mike, Toptap, Mew and Gulf watched Joong closely. He wasn't allowed to step within the vicinity of Souri café or anywhere Dunk could be. Bright had closed an eye when he found out that Joong had Daou and Offroad keep track of Dunk, reporting to him on how he was doing. He could let that slide.


Joong was feeling restless. He couldn't stop himself. He yearned for Dunk. He couldn't let go of the memory of both of them together. He didn't think he has ever masturbated that much in his life. He needed Dunk.

He couldn't believe his luck when Daou and Offroad managed to sneak him to Souri café. He had rushed in, asking Ping where he was. He had pointed to his office. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see Dunk topless, Boss' large frame covering him. Dunk's eyes widen as he saw him. Boss had turned around to see what spook Dunk. Joong had rushed out before Dunk could even get a word in. Dunk sighed as he saw Joong's retreating form.

"You're not going to chase after him or explain?" Boss asked curiously. Dunk shook his head.

"It's better this way, it's safer for him" he sighed. Boss wished there was something more he could do for his friend but there really wasn't.

"Well, the good news is your wound is healing nicely. You should be ready for Fenrir." Dunk puts his shirt back on.

"What have you found out about them?" Dunk pressed for information.

"Their Don is Luke Ishikawa Plowden. He just landed the day you were attacked. We have all the info we need on their whereabout, activities and number of people in their organization." Boss reported.

"Get everyone ready. We'll have to end it the sooner the better. Hopefully, before Nouel gets home?" Dunk teased. Boss laughed.


Joong had left Souri in a hurry. He went back to the empty penthouse. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that Dunk had moved on.

Did what they have meant so little to him?

Perhaps they were never meant to be to begin with. He had more than what he hoped for. His brother was right. Their deal was done. He should let go now. He couldn't help but let the last of his tears flow before closing the chapter with Dunk.


Meanwhile in Japan (back to the time when Dunk got shot),

Phuwin gasped awake, he felt his left shoulder burning with pain. He held the scream in (A/N: This was when Boss took the bullet out of Dunk's shoulder). Pond was shocked by Phuwin's behaviour. He wondered what was wrong with him. He felt helpless. Phuwin panted as the pain subsided. The fear didn't leave him. He was worried about Dunk. He looked towards Pond in despair, apologizing for what he was about to do.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I need to go back. I need to get back to Thailand." He cried in Pond's embrace. Pond stroked his back to comfort him. Before Pond could ask, Phuwin's phone rang. Gemini was on the other line. Phuwin told him that he will be going over to Mile's place to meet up with him. Pond offered to drive him there. He wasn't in the right state of mind to drive at all.

Gemini wore the same worried look as Phuwin while Fourth comforted him. They had tried to seek an audience with Mile and Apo but unfortunately Mile and Apo were away for business so they had to wait a few days for their return. Phuwin had asked Pond if it was okay for them to stay with Gemini and Fourth until Mile and Apo was back. Pond agreed without hesitation as long as it comforted Phuwin. There was nothing that he wasn't willing to give Phuwin. Gemini and Phuwin had hugged each other to sleep that night while their partners looked on in worry. Both Gemini and Phuwin were still agitated the next morning. Phuwin had quickly sent a few photos to Dunk to see if he replies. He was relieved when he saw the amount of heart emojis that he sent. He would usually complain but it calmed his heart now knowing that his brother was fine.

When Mile and Apo finally came back, they had tried to seek an audience once again. It didn't matter how late it was.

"We are sorry to bother you this late, Mile sama, Apo sama. We need your support.... Hia..." Phuwin didn't know how to word it.

"I have heard. Bible and Build will follow you back. You may leave tomorrow" Mile stated.

"Domo arigatou gozaimasu (thank you)" Both Phuwin and Gemini bowed as they thanked Mile and Apo. Pond was confused by what was going on. Phuwin had started packing when they went back home. Pond could no longer keep it in.

"Phu, tell me what's going on. Onegai (Please). Let me in." Phuwin could no longer hold it in as he told Pond what was going on. Pond swipe a hand across his hair as he paced around the room.

"I'll follow you back. Dunk is in trouble because of us. We'll fix it together." He said as he hugged Phuwin. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 🤔🤔I seriously dunno what I felt about Joong's reaction or how that came up... it works with how rash he is in this series.. but I'm undecided about it... but I left it at that...

after all the steamy scene last EP n it came to this😅😅 dun worry they will get together at the end, just a little longer..  

side character intro as usual:

side character intro as usual:

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Mile and Apo

Bible and Build

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