[EP14] A JoongDunk moment

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Joong had chosen to spend more time at the café with Dunk after Pond and Phuwin became official. It was the first time Joong noticed that Dunk had another waiter by the name of Ping whose smile was almost as infectious as Dunk. 

He felt that Dunk's smile were more infectious but he was bias at best

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He felt that Dunk's smile were more infectious but he was bias at best. Dunk had given Phuwin more time off since he became official with Pond. Phuwin would grumble about it but he appreciated the time he spent with Pond.

Dunk took pity on Joong, so he brought him bar hopping on certain days of the week. It was interesting to say the least. Joong liked the atmosphere at the root bar- it felt like being in a magical forest. He loved the performance and the Mexican food at the Revolucion cocktail bar. The bartending tricks and fire show were a nice change. Philtration bar had some interesting drinks but it was their dumplings that really stood out. It was to die for. Dunk loved their truffle dumpling while he likes the one with Sichuan sauce. When he brought him to Vaso- the Spanish tapas bar, he literally cried at how good the food was.

He had learnt two things about Dunk with the amount of time he spent with him. Dunk loves food but hardly puts on weight. He wondered how. The second is the most important thing to take note, Dunk has low alcohol tolerance and he is a clingy drunk. The chef/owner of Vaso was a sociable one. He was used to the bar scene being the owner of one. He had given them shot after shot after shot. It doesn't faze Joong, drinking came with the territory of being a mafia Don but Dunk was a café owner and all he served was coffee, tea or some fruity drink. He noticed how the red started to spread on his skin, starting from his neck and slowly up to his face. Dunk started to become touchier after that. He knew that Dunk likes skinship after witnessing his interaction with his brothers. But he had always kept his distance with Joong. Apparently, alcohol breaks all barriers. He was clinging onto Joong by the end of their visit, giving him a full-on hug like his life depended on it.

It was the first time Joong felt warmth, it was the first time Joong felt loved. He didn't want the hug to end but Dunk was not sober enough to know what he was doing. He tried to get Pond on the line but he wasn't picking up. There was no way of knowing where Dunk stays. He carried him back to the penthouse, hoping to meet Phuwin there but it was empty. He had no choice but to let Dunk stay over night. He carried him to his bed. He took off his jacket and was about to take off his undershirt but Dunk stopped him. He respected him and didn't proceed with it. He wiped his arms and his face. He couldn't help but admire his features, he was so close that he could kiss him but he stopped himself when he heard Dunk mumbling something. He scurried away and switched on the shower to the coldest tempature to calm himself down.

I can't fall in love with him. He doesn't belong in my world. He repeated it like a mantra.

He decided to sleep on the living room sofa to punish himself. The scene of Dunk hugging him and him almost kissing him replaying in his mind until sleep came.

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Yes, JD is slowly inching forward. Yes again, I've reference a lot from hidden hangout but mainly the bar scenes because it fitted what I want. There's no place to slot in the restaurant EPs. You may head back and watch them yourself🤣🤣

An exciting EP coming next. so it's 2 EP today. so much easier to work on this since its a weekend. 

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