[EP 18] Spending time with Dunk

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Pond looked solemn after ending the call when Joong went back to their table.

"Mi alai reu bpao (Is something wrong)? You don't look too happy after that call." His brother, Pond had always been a happy go lucky kind of guy, nothing fazes him.

"Phi Bai said that the Japan branch needs me back." Phuwin was just walking to their table when Pond spoke. Pond was surprised by Phuwin's appearance. He had not thought of telling Phuwin as he was planning on how to reject his brother, Bright. Joong could see the dilemma running through Pond's face. He had just started his relationship with Phuwin and had every intention of living the rest of his life with him. He can see why he was troubled.

"I can go with you. It's been a long time since I've been to Japan" Pond and Joong were shocked by Phuwin's response. Pond reached out and squeezed him in appreciation. Joong couldn't be more happy for his brother. When Dunk joined them, Pond had asked him out of courtesy if it's okay for Phuwin to follow him to Japan. He had assured him that he would take good care of him. Dunk had nodded with a smile. Joong noticed something off about Dunk after knowing that Phuwin will be leaving with Pond. He had slung his arm across Phuwin's shoulder as he listened to him speak. It was as if he was trying to memorize his brother's facial expression but Joong didn't know why.   


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Phuwin was clinging on to Dunk when Dunk and Joong were sending him and Pond off at the airport. Dunk had hugged, comforted and reassured him that he'll be fine. When Dunk left for the washroom, Pond couldn't help but ask if he was really okay to leave with him.

"Gu (I'm) okay. It's just that Gem and Fot had also left for Japan two days ago, so hia is all alone." Phuwin looked towards where Dunk had left. The Chivaaree brothers began to understand his concern.

"Don't worry, Phu. Joong will take care of him, shai ba (right)?" Joong nodded. Dunk had been nothing but kind to him since he stepped foot on Thai soil. He won't admit that he would do it because he likes him as well. He won't even dare admit that to himself.

Dunk hugged Phuwin when it was time. "Ki o tsukete ne (Be safe)" Dunk whispered.

"Shinanaide (Don't die on me)" Phuwin whispered back and started to tear but Dunk warned him that Pond will start to suspect something. Dunk gave him one last pat on the back before letting him go. He waved towards them as they went beyond the gate. Dunk lets out a heavy sigh.

"My brother will take good care of him. It's in the Chivaaree genes to take good care of their partner." Joong tried to assure Dunk.

"Hmm... that's good to know. So, you'll take good care of your partner too? You're the only single one left among the Chivaaree brothers. Should I find someone for you too?" Dunk teased Joong as he slung his arm on his shoulder. Joong rolled his eyes even though his heart was thumping. He was surprised when Dunk snapped his fingers.

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