[EP 1] The journey home

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Joong sighed when he saw his brother, Bright's name on his phone. He picked it up reluctantly. 

"mon frère (my brother), are you on your way to the airport?" His elder brother, Bright was checking on him again

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"mon frère (my brother), are you on your way to the airport?" His elder brother, Bright was checking on him again. He wondered why he doubts him sometimes. 

"Krab (yes)."

"It's good that you are brushing up on your thai now. Both you and Pond are taking over Earth's business back home. Did Mike give you the name card to Win's cafe in Thailand?" 

"Oui (yes). A Souri cafe?" He flips the name card of the cafe. So typical of his brother-in-law. He is known for his warm smile after all.

"You won't miss France too much then. Their macarons are to die for. Win's cousins, the triplets are managing the branch in Thailand. Look for Dunk. He usually manages the front of the shop, his other brother, Phuwin may work at the kitchen at times. It'll be impossible to meet Gemini since he is rarely at the shop. Pond will meet you there. "

"Krab (yes).." he remembers to switch back to Thai. It's getting confusing to him at times. Maybe it'll be easier when he is back in Thailand.

"Let Dunk know when you know who is the mole and most of all, who is behind Phi Earth and Phi Mix's death. He'll settle the rest... Stay safe" His brother may be a cold man on the outside but he loves his brothers. He couldn't help but let him know he loves him before hanging up.

The limo arrived at the private jet hanger. He sighed as he leaves his life behind preparing for the war ahead.

 He sighed as he leaves his life behind preparing for the war ahead

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"Why didn't you give him a photo of Dunk?" Win asked when Bright hung up .

"What fun would there be? Dunk looks nothing like this in the cafe" Win shook his head at his answer. Bright believes that Joong is the key to bringing Dunk into the family but he didn't want  to let his husband know. Win doesn't want the triplets to be involved in their family business but Bright can't help but think they are good at what they do. They would bring the Chivaaree name to new heights. People will learn to fear the name. But he understands his husband. He wants a simple life for them since their parents' death . 

He held in a small laugh as he wondered how Joong's encounter with Dunk will go. He walks out of his office, leaving the photo on his table.

 He walks out of his office, leaving the photo on his table

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~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: Did you forget to mention something in the character intro? Maybe? 🤭🤭 we'll find out as the series unfolds.

sorry to took so long to come to this series. 

Just a little teaser for what's to come. Do you like it? 

I don't remember whether I've mentioned this in the character intro but just in case here's a reminder that there'll be a little blood and gore in this series.. Just a little. It's a mafia series after all. There's no redemption in this series na... Joong and Pond are mafia from start till end. 🤣🤣I have no idea if someone expects that. That's why there's guaranteed violence  and maybe a lil smut for both pairing🤭🤭. 

No, I still haven't move on from that suit. 🤣🤣 It set just the right tone for the scene 

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