[EP 13] Interlude: The Tangsakyuen Brothers

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Pond couldn't stop grinning when he woke up to Phuwin in his arms. He kissed Phuwin on the crown of his head. Phuwin woke up in the process. Pond couldn't stop himself from thinking how he can live like this forever. He wanted to wake up to Phuwin in his arms. He wanted to see him blink owlishly at him as he wakes up. He wanted to give him a sniff kiss before he starts his day.

It took a moment for Phuwin's brain to come online. His eyes widen as he asked him what time it was. He was afraid that he was late and that his brother would tease him. Pond stopped him from rushing. He helped grabbed his clothes and puts it in a recycle bag along with his wallet, phone and keys. He couldn't help but think how cute Phuwin looked in his oversized shirt and shorts. Phuwin walked gingerly out of his bedroom. Joong was facing the window as he made coffee. He didn't know why Phuwin felt the need to open the door quietly.

"Do you want me to send you back?" Pond asked before Phuwin closed his mouth with a hand.

"It's okay, I'll go back by myself. I don't want hia to make a big deal out of it. I want to tell him and Gemini by myself first." Phuwin whispered to him as he didn't want to alert Joong. Pond nodded enthusiastically at what he said. He was happy that Phuwin felt ready to tell his brothers about them. He couldn't help but reach down for a kiss. Phuwin ended it before it became passionate. He waved goodbye shyly back at Pond before leaving for the lift. Pond couldn't help but smile. Joong had teased him about when the wedding date was but he didn't take it to heart. He beamed when he told him that they were official. 

Phuwin was his now.


Phuwin tried to be as inconspicuous as possible when he reached home. He had tried to tip toe back to his room as Dunk was stirring the congee. Phuwin couldn't believe his luck that Gemini had chosen today, of all days, to drop by with Fourth. They were busy talking so they shouldn't have noticed him. But he forgot how sensitive Dunk was to his surrounding.

He had almost succeeded in reaching his room when he heard Dunk shouted, "Gin khao yang (have you eaten)?"

"yang (I haven't)" he answered with a flush before rushing into his room. He quickly freshened up, wearing a high collar shirt. He cursed the fact that Pond had marked him all over.

Dunk had readied a bowl of congee for him. He didn't say much but Gemini had a look. He knew that he would be able to bluff Fourth easily because he will believe anything he said. But all bets were off with his two brothers, they were triplets after all.

"meung gap Phi Pond (you and Phi Pond)...." Gemini started.

"rao hok gan leow (we are together)." He announced and stuffed a mouthful of congee so he can't answer any further question. He was surprised when Dunk gave him a hug.

"I want you to be happy but if he doesn't treat you well, you know you can tell me, right? I'll take care of it" Dunk said.

"We'll take care of it." Gemini said as he joined in the hug.

"Don't forget me! I'll file a case against him" Fourth joined in the hug that had all of them laughing.

Just as they were finishing their breakfast, Phuwin and Gemini looked towards each other with a gleam in their eyes. "Hia... you are the only one left."

"What left?" Dunk tilted his head and looked at them confusingly.

"You're the only single one left among us. Our radar tells us...." Gemini said when an air of suspense. He looked towards Phuwin who was pretending to be counting his fate like a fortune teller.

"Joong. Joong is the one for you." Phuwin said out loud. Dunk shook his head and laughed.

"I would like to be single, thank you very much." the brothers sighed. Phuwin and Gemini knew that their brother had his wall up because of the work he does but they really do wish that he would think about himself. He should take care of himself sometimes. If that wish came in the form of Joong Archen Chivaaree, they were willing to accept it. They prayed for something better for their brother. They prayed for his happiness.    

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: so yup, I decided to add this EP for those who are not that into PP scenes.. a neutral scene with the triplets. what do you think? 

Yes, we'll be moving on to JD after this... but I'll warn you that it's slow burn🤭🤭so be prepared. 

Bonus scene where the brothers so called approve of Pond with Phuwin 🤣🤣 Phu being shy with the mini hearts that Pond is sending him while the brothers laughed about it. I somehow came across this vid some time back:

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