Chapter 17 : Insanity now

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Narrator POV:

A few things changed after that day. Adora became more drawn back, still interacting with Catra normally on the surface but much more into her "Fake" personality again. Calling it out did nothing to change that besides eliciting a short, just as fake, apologie from the blonde. Catra knew she was at fault for this change but had no idea how to revert her back to the more open Girl she came to be fond of but was glad she was still willing to tutor her

A few days after the incident at Adoras place, Catra lay in her room on the bed, still remembering the hurt look on the blondes Face when her phone rang

"Hey Cat"

"Hey Scorp...what up?"

"Nothin much, just wanted to chat. Perfuma is at work and im boooored"

With a small smile, Catra chatted happily about school, work, Perfuma and other topics that came up until Scorpia stepped on the verbal Landmine "How did things go with Adora?" was all it took to make the hybrid shiver and tank her mood in an instant

"I...don't wanna talk about it"

"...that bad hmm? Out with it, Kitty"

After a whole minute of silence, Catra relented, telling Scorpia everything that had happened in the last few weeks, from her trouble in school, to the Date that wasn't a date, to the weird feeling she had when she rejected Adora without her ever confessing anything and how it made her feel as if she made a mistake she had no choice in. Scorpia listened to all of it without interruption, releasing only a huge sigh at the end before speaking again

" you're telling me all of that and you still don't get why you feel like shit?"

"I ..It could be that I..."


"Huh? Bullshit, why would I feel like I had to.."

"Because you litteraly fucked around to much. You got scared because she started to actually mean something to you, because she isn't just after sex for once but genuinely wants to be with you for who you are? So you try to keep what you have, rather than risk losing her completely by going further"

"Th-then why would she try to get in my Pants like that?"

"....because she likes you but has no idea how to show it? Im sure you didn't make it easy for her to express any emotion with how you are but....okay, answer me this : Why did she help you if she only wanted to fuck? She didn't need to do anything more since she knows you don't mind one night stands"

Suddenly, the incident with Lonnie came to Catras mind and what Adora has let slip though "She hurt ...n-nevermind"

"....that bitch" she muttered " I'm gonna need to call you back, Scorp...thanks"

"Don't fuck this up, Cat" was the last thing Catra could her her friend mutter before she hung up to call Adora...who didn't pick up. They had been scheduled to study tomorrow anyway with the midterms coming up soon, so Catra wouldn't need to wait for long...but something in her knew she wouldn't want to wait. Grabbing her Jacket and her Keys, she stomped out of the apartment and was about drive off on her Bike when a Man stopped her

"Ms Ortego?"

"Huh? Who the fuck are you?"

A sleek, well dressed young man took out a Card and handed it to her "My name is Louis Maxwell, Attorney and close confidant of Braham Gray" He was about 5 ft 9, shoulder long black Hair and a smile that couldn't have been more fake if he'd tried

"Gray?" Catra asked while looking at the official looking Card "...and?"

"I am here to ask you to reconsider whatever relationship you have with the young miss Gray"

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