Chapter 18 : Change can be a good thing

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Narrator POV:

20 Minutes Later

Adora stood in front of the House she saw as her prison. While not particularly large, the insides would be enough to pay for several small Houses in a more Rural area or even something luxurious in the middle of a Metropolis....and she was about to drop the lighter to make it all go up in Ash

"You sure about this?" Catra asked, her voice filled with worry as she watched the blonde stand there, her Eyes near tears "You can still walk awa.."

Adora dropped the lighter into the line of Gas they had laid out in front of the small lawn and watched the fire snake it's way into the open Door "You know...Upstairs in the Attic is the Wedding Dress of my Mom, the one ...He had already refitted for me...I saw what marriage did to her and i'm not walking down the same road, even if I had been born straight"

" know that the cops won't care about that, right?"

Adora looked to the ground where Cedric still was passed out "They'll be too busy asking why he was here, stinking of Gasoline, to least for a bit"

" what? Fake your death?" Catra asked, jokingly

"Pff, as if that would be so easy. I had planned to do that at some point but...urghh it's soooo much work. Faking dental records, getting a corpse that fits, dropping out of School, Changing my identity...honestly, TV makes that seem far more possible than it actually is" Adora admited with a giggle

"...yet you did plan for it?" Catra thought but kept her mouth shut for once "Come on, I call an ambulance for the idiot and then we need to get the fuck out of here"

"Hmm" she watched the flames spread inside, engulfing roughly half the House by now and grabbed her Bag. She had very few good memories here and not one of them were with her Parents "...let's go"

"Im sorry, Milena..."


A few hours later, they both sat in the Kitchen of Catras Apartment, Sofia listening in silence and horror to the whole story. She had told her mother about a lot of it already but the whole thing seemed like a bad Fanfic to the worried Mother

"Dios mio...I..i'm not even sure what to say to all of this...I always thought my daughter would be a bad influence on someone but not like this "

"Ohh ok, wow, yeah, make it all my fault, sure hmm" Catra said, crossing her arms

"Oh shush you....what did you get entangled with here?"

" sorry to put you into this pos..." Adroa started her spiel but was interrupted

"I'm not talking to you right now" Sofia said, her voice an icy authoritarian tone that only an angry Mother was capable of. Adora was used to dealing with Adults and never had any issues with them. From Teachers, over business Partners of her Father, to Parents of other students but an angry Latina was a first for her "Mija, how do you imagine this happening? We can't just keep her as if she was a stray Dog and sheltering a wanted criminal arsonist is ... aceptar un pacto con el diablo."

"Umm" Adora held up her hand, holding the icy stare of Sofia "Wi-with all due respect, ms Ortego, I doubt my Father would go to the Police for this"

Sofia's eyes narrow "Explain"

"The thing that matters most to him is his reputation. Telling the Cops "My Kid burned my house down" would not only throw his Parenting into public questioning but also his "Good Christian" image if they actually would catch me. He would rather the World think someone broke in and started a fire by accident or that it was a targeted attack against him, whichever gives him more Pity points"

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