Chaper 19 : No hate like Christian Love

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Narrator POV:

Adora had never feared going out to the City like she had today. Her Father was known to overreact when he was opposed and as much as she hated him, she feared him an equal amount. The way to the Bank was not far but she looked over her shoulder more often than she liked to admit, scared that someone was following her. With Autumn cooling the Air, a long, black Mantle and scarf hid her in the sea of People, enough to not be easily detected

After 20 minutes of Heart pounding hide and seek with, possibly, noone, the young Woman made her way into the First Bank of Bright Moon, walking directly to the receptionist were a brown haired young Man greeted her with a warm, customer service, Smile "Hello, how can I help you?"

"Hello. I'm here to check on an old account and a bank locker" Adora said, sliding the Card, the Key and her Personal ID over the counter

"Gladly, one moment please" The young man typed something into the PC, giving Adora another moment to turn and check if someone had been following her but as with every other time she did so, there was no one suspicious around her "The balance on your account is 55,25 $. Would you like to check the locker?"

"...yes, please" she said, failing to hide her disappointment at the amount. She hadn't hoped for much but...more than that at least in order to help out Catras Mother. The Woman took on a considerably high risk when she took Adora in and the blonde knew it "Can't hide there forever...." she thought, wondering why using them for her own safety felt, maybe for the first time, wrong

"Follow me, please" the Bank teller opened a small door beside the counter, holding his arm stretched out to show her the way

A few rooms deeper into the bank, lay thousands of small safes with only a number beside them to identify them. Both of them held beside the one with the number "20149"

"This would be it. If you need anything else, i'm right outside"

"Thank you" she answered as he closed the door behind him, leaving her alone

The Bank safe was something she only knew about through sheer coincidence, overhearing her Parents discuss it as something "Left from her" and she was certain that there was nothing of great value left in it. The only hope she had doing this was to see if this just happened to be something her Father was trying to hide or even better for her situation at hand, Cash

With a near silent *click* The Key slid into the keyhole and turned to reveal a small Cash made of Metal. Adora lay it in front of her on the small table that was in the corner of the room and pushed it open. Inside was a Letter, a Picture and a thick envelope with Adora name, much to her confusion

Choosing to pick up the picture first, turned out to be a non-starter. Depicted were a Baby, maybe a few months old and a Woman that Adora didn't know "Huh...weird" she thought and took out the Letter to see that it had her name on it. She shrugged and opened it

"Dear Adora. When you read this and if your Father kept his word, you're already 18 and I missed a big part of your life. My name is ....."


Adoras Father had been waiting for Catra to appear here as if he ordered it himself and now, she would need to nail her performance as an arrogant, kind of stupid, Lesbian (The Author is aware that the Joke resulting from this sentence writes itself and so felt it prudent to skip're welcome)

"Yeah, I know your daughter. Kind of clingy blonde who thinks she's better than everyone...sound about right?"

Graham's Eyes narrowed, trying to figure out the young Woman in front of him "I'm glad you could join us today. Have you made a decision?" Maxwell asked

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