Chapter 3 - Home Sweet Home

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The Next Day

Demi’s Pov

I woke up the next day remembering the moment we spent together outside my house yesterday; we were up early and Joe was starting to pack some boxes from his house into his car; his dad was doing to same.

I am getting dressed and I really don’t feel well, I’m normally don't get up this early, maybe it’s just too early. I carried on getting dressed and then Joe came in to tell me that his and his dad’s car was full of boxes and bits of furniture. 

“Okay” I replied

“Can I start putting things into your car Dems?” He asked

“Yeah…..” I covered my mouth and ran to the sink, quickly holding my hair out of the way before needing to throw up. Joe was soon behind me and he took my hair from me and rubbed my back

“Are you okay?” he asked in a concerned tone

“I feel a little better now” I replied placing my hand on my stomach which over the past couple of days had gotten noticeably bigger. I looked at Joe and said “Joe; is it just me, or have I suddenly ballooned?”

He looked at me and said “Your beautiful Dems; and I will still be saying that even when you’re 8 or 9 months pregnant”

I looked into his eyes and said “But have I?”

“I suppose a little” he replied “But you’re not that big Dems”

I smiled at him and he pulled me into a hug, he held me tight “Are you sure?” he asked

“Well…..” I began to say “I have been doing a little reading online, and it says that most women don’t start getting a bump until they are 16 weeks”

He looked at me and then said “Let me see that website”

I pulled out my phone and found the website, I showed him the page, he pointed at the screen and said “Look what it says here Dems; it says, some women may experience extreme bloating, which may seem and look like a baby bump, but it is not the same”

“Oh” I replied “I didn’t read that far”

“See Dems, everything is fine”

I grabbed my keys from the kitchen and handed them to Joe “You wanted these”

He smiled and said “Yeah, thanks”

“Do you want me to help?” I asked

“Don’t be silly Dems, we will be okay”

“Okay” I replied

Joe and Paul finished by putting some of my stuff in my car and then Joe came and got me from the house, I was sitting on the couch “You coming Dems. We are going to make the first trip”

I didn’t answer, I was still a little angry that Joe wouldn’t let me help

“Babe are you coming?” he asked again a little louder

He walked over to me and sat down, I felt a tear fall from my eye, he tried to pull me into a hug but I didn’t let him “What’s the matter Demi, what have I done”

I looked at him and said “Joe, I may be pregnant but that doesn’t mean I’m an invalid, I can still help you”

He tried to pull me into a hug, this time I let him “Babe, I don’t want you helping because you might hurt yourself, or the baby”

“I would be careful” I replied

“I know Dems, but lifting any heavy weight when you are pregnant can harm the baby, I know you wouldn’t want that” he said rubbing my back up and down

“Yeah” I replied softly

He released me from the hug and said “So are you coming?”

I smiled and replied “Of course I am”

We both walked towards the front door, but before we went outside to meet Paul, Joe said “You can help Dems, but just don’t lift anything heavy, okay?”

“Okay” I replied

I opened my front door and then locked up before getting in my car; Joe stood by my door and said “I’ll lead the way. You and my dad are going to follow”

“Okay” I replied

He closed the driver’s door, I started the engine and backed out of my drive, I waited on the road for both Joe and Paul to drive by; when they did I followed behind them.

I drove and soon I was at our new house, Joe and Paul were already out of their cars and Joe was starting to unlock the door, I got out of my car and walked up to where they were standing. “Hey” I greeted them

“Hey” Joe and Paul said in reply

 We all walked into the house and stood in the hallway “Where would you like the boxes Dems?” Joe asked

“Well, I’m guessing you know what’s in them all”

“Yeah, most of them” he replied

“Okay, well shall we just put the right ones in the right rooms” I suggested

“Sounds like a good plan” Joe said agreeing with me

We all went outside and started moving boxes from our cars, starting with Paul’s car, then Joe’s and finally mine; Joe and Paul did most of the work but I helped a little. We placed all the relevant boxes in the right rooms.

When all 3 cars were empty, Joe locked up our house and we drove back to our parent’s houses to grab the rest of our stuff. Most of Joe’s stuff was already gone because he used his and Paul’s car on the first trip.

We went over to Joe’s house first and got the remainder of his stuff and placed it into Paul’s car, which was parked outside.

We then walked over to my mom’s house and went up to my room to get the rest of my stuff; we managed to get some of my things into Joe’s car and then the rest into mine.

Joe and I went out to find Paul sitting in his car listening to the radio, Joe knocked on the window, Paul pulled the window down “We have got the rest of the stuff into mine and Demi’s car” he said

“Okay” he replied “Shall we do another trip?”

“Yeah okay, I’ll lead” Joe said to confirm

“Okay” Paul replied

We all got into our cars and drove to our new house, unloaded the stuff from all three cars and then just stood in the hallway.

“Well I need to get back” Paul said “I have work in the morning”

“Okay” Joe replied

When Paul said this, for the first time it actually made me wonder what the time was, it wasn’t that dark outside, but then again, it was still summer. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, it was 8pm “Wow, the day has gone fast” I commented

“Yeah” Joe agreed

Paul left us at our house, Joe and I got into our cars and moved them from the road to the driveway, we both walked into the house and sat in the living room; we ordered pizza.

15 minutes later Joe and I were watching TV and the doorbell rang “I’ll get it” I said getting up

I walked to the front door, opened it and paid the pizza delivery guy; I then walked back into the living room and handed Joe his box of pizza.

We sat there and ate our pizza and when we were finished we went up to our room and got into bed, I rested my hand on my stomach, I wasn’t showing, I guess that website was right, it must have just been extreme bloating; we both feel asleep.

I wonder when I will start showing; I wonder what it will be like to feel the baby move for the first time, and when will that happen?

It feels amazing to be pregnant, yes the sickness is not good but the whole feeling of knowing I have a baby inside of me, is amazing; but I suppose weird at the same time.


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