Chapter 19 - First Day Back

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Demi’s Pov

I woke up extremely hungry. How long had I been asleep for? I think the baby must still be sleeping, she’s not moving. I slowly sit up and then stand up; trying my hardest not to wake her. I seem not to, as I stand up she feels like a dead weight pulling me forward. I feel a little weak, probably because I haven’t eaten; and it’s 1pm.

I walk quietly downstairs and find Joe watching Tv and eating a sandwich. He looks in my direction as I come down the stairs. “Did you have a nice sleep?” he asks, standing up and pulling my into a hug the best that he can.

“Yeah, I feel a bit better now” I reply “It was a good idea to sing to her”

“Do you think she heard?”

“She must of done”

“We will have to do that more often” Joe says, suggesting he idea

 “Well, if it works” I reply “Defiantly!”




I walked into the kitchen and make myself a sandwich. My stomach gave a loud groan and then I felt her twisting and turning inside me. That must have woke her up.

Once I had made the sandwich I took it, holding the plate with one hand and my hand on my stomach with the other; and I walked into the living room and sat on the couch next to Joe.

I started eating my sandwich and then said to Joe “Weren’t you suppose to go to work today?” – today would have been Joe’s first day back at work after the car accident; his foot was taken out of the cast a couple of days before the family gathering at Mom’s, so now he is able to walk on it better.

“Yeah” he replied “I called in to say that you weren’t very well and that I would be in at 2:30pm and work till 9pm” he continued “Is that alright babe?”

“Yeah, sure, that’s fine” I replied “But you didn’t have to stay home, I would have been fine”

“I know” he replied “I was just worried about you. You seemed drained”

“I was” I admitted “But for a good reason” I said reaching for his hand and placing it on my stomach “Our baby”

He leaned in, with his hand still on my stomach and gave me a long deep kiss “I love you” he said pulling away “I really do”

He then moved from my lips to my cheek and to my neck; as he did he left small delicate kisses. He took his hand off my stomach and started kissing where his hand was “And, I love you too sweetheart” he said to my stomach. She kicked in response “Awwh” we both cooed

“I guess that answers our question as to whether she can hear us” I said

“Yeah, it’ amazing” Joe replied






I glanced over at the clock “It’s 2:15pm. Joe you’re going to be late!”

Joe jumped up and pulled on his coat and grabbed his keys. Before he left he ran over to me and gave me one last kiss “I’ll see you later!” he said, walking quickly towards the door

“About 9:30pm. Right?”

“Yeah” he replied as he closed the door behind him




“I guess that leaves just you and me I suppose” I said to my stomach. She kicked very hard and I winced. “WOW, you’re strong!”. I couldn’t quite work out if she didn’t want Joe to leave or if she was excited. Oh well.

I had finished my sandwich so I got up and took my plate out to the kitchen; I then went upstairs to get dressed.

Once I was dressed I came downstairs again and decided to have a lazy day as I was still a little tired from last night. I sat there watching TV until Joe came home from work.

Joe’s Pov

As it was my first day back at work and Demi didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, I decided to pick up some pizza on the way home from work. I had sent Demi a text to tell her during my break.




I picked up the pizza and then headed home. When I got home I walked straight into the living room, grabbing 2 plates on my way past the kitchen. We both sat down and ate the pizza.

When we were finished I took both our plates out to the kitchen and as it was getting late we decided to head upstairs to bed. By the time we had got ready and were in bed it was 11:30pm. I turned off the light and then got in next to Demi placing my arm over her and kissing her goodnight.


Heyy, it’s Deanna :P

Sorry for the wait :/ But I hope you enjoyed the update :)

Thanks for all the lovely comments and votes on the last chapter :D

Please go and read my new story ‘Big Dreams’ it would mean the world to me. Please vote and comment and tell me what you think. And also I have started writing another story called ‘Trapped’ which will be available soon. If you have any questions please inbox me.

Okay, I’ve said enough :)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please vote and comment :)


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