Chapter 26 - Last Time

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-3 weeks later-

Demi’s Pov

I woke up, Joe’s arms around me, Sophia moving inside me. I have been laying in the same position all night; Sophia has been moving so much and I didn’t get a lot of sleep. Still, today we have our 36 week check up with Dr Reed so I better get up and get dressed.

Joe was holding my hand so I gave it a little squeeze; he opened he eyes and tiredly said “Morning”

“Morning” I replied “We need to get up, we have the doctors today”

“Oh” he said, not seeming to care much; he closed his eyes again and then his eyes shot open again “Dr Reed” he said

“Yes, Dr Reed” I replied

“Baby?” He said, sounding puzzled

“Joe, are you okay?” I asked

“I’m fine” he replied letting go of my hand and wrapping his arms around me. His stomach and chest were against my stomach. Sophia kicked. “I guess someone has something to say about this” Joe said with a huge grin across his face

“Yeah, she saying, daddy get up and help mummy up so that we can get to the doctors” I said in a childish voice

“Okay, okay” Joe said throwing his legs round the side and then coming around to my side of the bed. I held out my hand and Joe helped me to turn around so that I was facing him but still lying down. Then he helped me to sit up, and then stand up. Once I was stood up, I was fine.

I grabbed a pair of jogging bottoms and a maternity top and went into the bathroom, I got dressed. I hate this part of the day, getting dressed and then getting into my PJs; it reminds me of how fat I look.


I walked out of the bathroom and walked towards Joe, who, was standing by his closet trying to choose what to wear. “Here, let me” I said

I gave his a pair of jeans and a top that was smart, but casual. “Thank” he replied with a embarrassed grin across his face.


Once both Joe and I had gotten dressed and had eaten breakfast, I grabbed my bag and keys, Joe grabbed his keys and we headed out of the door.

Joe opened my car door and helped me and I got into the seat and buckled my seat belt. Joe walked around to the driver’s side and fastened his seatbelt before we drove off towards the doctors.


We got to the doctors and I signed myself in and then took a seat in the waiting room. Today we would be getting another scan and hopefully some more information in case it happens sooner than expected. This might even be our last appointment before I have Sophia. I hope Dr Reed give us some more info about what to do, because I think Joe is a tad worried as to what he can do for me if I’m in pain.


We got called in by Dr Reed and she held the door open while we both went inside her room. “Demi why don’t you get straight onto the couch and we can do the scan first; save you sitting down and then having to get back up again.”

“Oh. Okay” I replied

I got up onto the couch and Dr Reed helped me to lay down on my back. I rolled my top up and she squired some gel onto my stomach before placing the probe onto my stomach.

“Everything looks good” she said after a while “Fluid levels are good and baby is head down” I smiled “Do you mind if I just feel baby’s position?” she asked

“Yeah, okay” I replied

Dr Reed placed her hand on my stomach and felt around before feeling where Sophia’s head was. That was uncomfortable. I winced a little. “Are you okay?” she asked

“Yeah” I replied “That’s just a little uncomfortable. That’s all”

“Okay” she replied “All done. Baby’s head is fully engaged, so you could go into labour any day now”

I sat up and glanced over at Joe, he had gone a bit distant. I got off the couch and took a seat next to him and placed an arm around him “You okay?” I whispered softly.

Joe suddenly snapped out of it and said “Yea, I’m just a tad worried. What do I do if Demi is getting pains?”

“If Demi starts getting pains it is important to let her be at home for as long as possible. But if her waters break or if her contractions are coming quicker than every 5 minutes you need to head to the hospital. But, if her waters haven’t broke and she is only getting a pain every 10 minutes then you can stay at home.”

“Oh, Okay” Joe replied slowly

“It’s okay Joe” I said “Everything will be fine”

He turned and looked at me and gave me a small smile

“Do you want a picture?” Dr Reed asked

“Yes please” Joe said with his bright smile

Dr Reed got up from behind her desk and got a picture from the scanner and gave it to Joe “Here you go” she said


Joe and I then both got up and grabbed our things, ready to leave. “Demi?” Dr Reed said, catching me. “This is your last appointment with me, so good luck”

“Thank you” I replied, starting to get slightly nervous myself

“A midwife will call you later today to arrange a time to come and visit you at home”

“Okay” I replied


Joe and I walked out of the doctors and went home, when we got home we both went inside and I made us both a sandwich. We sat down and then worked together to wash the plates up.


The phone rang. I answered it “Hello”

“Hello, is the Miss Demetria Devonne Lovato?”

“Speaking” I replied

“Hi, my name is Anna, I am going to be your midwife. I was just calling to see what day and time would be good to come over and see you?”

“Well, any day really, but not too early.”

“Okay. Shall we say, tomorrow at 11am?”

“Yeah, sounds good. Thanks Anna” I said before putting the phone down. I turned to Joe and said “That was the midwife; she is coming round tomorrow at about 11am to come and see me”

“Okay. Sounds good” he replied

We spent the rest of the day watching TV and relaxing, not doing much really. Joe made dinner and after dinner I went to bed and went to sleep.

Joe’s Pov

To be honest, I am still a little scared of the whole thing. Even just the thought of Demi being in pain, and, me not being able to take any of that away from her is heart wrenching. I wish I could take at least some of the pain away from her so that it will be easier to deal with, but, I know that I can’t.

When the day comes I guess all I can do is support her and help her along the way, she seems pretty confident about the whole thing. But, then again, she has always been good at hiding her feelings.

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