Chapter 20 - Shopping

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The Next Day

Demi’s Pov

I woke up and got dressed, as usual, putting on a, what used to be baggy sweatshirt and a pair of track pants; I really have nothing else to wear and it is starting to really annoy me. I know it’s not Joe’s fault that we haven’t exactly had an easy ride the past few months but maybe we could have taken time to get some maternity clothes sooner.

Joe walks into the room and towards me “Morning babe” he said

“Morning” I replied in a slightly annoyed tone

“What’s the matter?” he asked

“It’s just that I have nothing to wear and the baby will have nothing to wear if we don’t do something about it”

“Shhh babe. Calm down” he said pulling me into a hug “Please don’t worry. We will go out today and get something”

“But Joe” I said pushing away from him “You know I can’t walk very far”

“I know Dems” He said looking straight at me. “But we can get some stuff today; especially for you; and some stuff for the baby and then tonight we can both look online for more stuff if we don’t get enough”

I looked at him, almost in a phase of trying to decide whether or not to trust him; but then I thought, why am I being so silly? “Okay” I replied

Joe walked past me and to his closet; he was still in his PJs. He opened to closet and took out a top and some jeans. He walked into the bathroom, got dressed, and then walked out. He sat on the bed next to me.

“Shall we go?” he asked

“Yeah, okay” I sighed. I was really tired and although I knew that we need to go out today, I just wasn’t in the mood.

I got up and Joe and I headed out the front door and into Joe’s car; he drove us to the mall.






 When we got there, I got out and we headed inside Babies R’ Us; I knew they sold some maternity wear and some baby clothes as well and things that we would need for the nursery. If we can get all or most of the things that we need in this store then I will be happy.

We both walked in and started to have a look around the nursery section; the cots and closets all looked so tiny and cute. “What about this one?” I said pointing at a nursery set that was a recommended one. It was white. Perfect for a little girl.

“Looks really nice Dems” Joe replied “You think we should get this one?” he asked

“Yeah, I like it. But, do you?”

“I love it!” he replied

We went up to the cashier and purchased a crib, closet and drawers for the baby; a man at the store helped Joe to go and load the flat boxes into our car while I looked around the baby clothes section pushing the cart in front of me.

I picked up various baby clothes including babygro’s and sleep suits. I also brought tops for when she is a little older and some trousers; again, for when she is a little older. I felt her kick, I placed one hand to me stomach and continued looking.

Joe came back from loading the car up “All done?” I asked

“Yeah; all done” he replied “Have you found anything nice?”

“Yeah, I found some nice babygro’s and sleep suits” I said holding them up each one-by-one so that Joe could see. With each item he either nodded his head or told me that he liked it.


 Next we went round the maternity section; I really needed some clothes and if this store doesn’t have anything I don’t know what I will do because I am already getting tired.

We took a look around and I picked out some nice clothes; some that were a little too big, but I knew I was going to get a little bigger. Still 9 ½ weeks to go.

We went up to the checkout and paid for the baby and maternity clothes; we then loaded it into the car. “What are we going to do about feeding her?” Joe asked

“Umm…… Well, I was thinking of breastfeeding” I replied


“Is that alright?”

“Yeah, well, it’s whatever you feel most comfortable with” he replied

“Well, they always say breast is best” I giggled

Joe chucked too, “Yeah, breast is best”

We both got into the car and Joe pulled out of the parking lot. I felt a little stabbing pain in my side, but I decided to ignore it. It’s too early to be labour and it wasn’t that painful.




When we got home Joe unloaded the car while I went upstairs; I was just about to get into my PJs, which would be more comfortable when I felt another sharp pain in my side. This can’t be right; I said to myself.

I walked out to the car to find Joe trying to lift the crib out “Joe” I said softly

Joe slid the box back into the car and then turned to look at me and said “What’s the matter babe?”

“I’ve been having pains” I replied

“What? Kicking pain?” he asked

“No, worse!”

“Are you sure Dems?”

“Yes! I’m sure Joe” I replied getting slightly angry

“We better go to the hospital!” he said rushing me to the car

We both got into the car and Joe pulled out the driveway.


Sorry It's been ages since I last updated, Because I haven't been very well I haven't been able to sit down and finish writing this chapter. I start it and then am never able to finish it; but I'm in a writing mood now, so I am going to start writing the next chapter now. Hopefully to be uploaded today or tomorrow. Again, I'm sorry if it ends up being a longer wait :(

I can't believe Demi is now 21, it seems like yesterday she was on Sonny with a chance. OMG!. I also can't believe she is getting back into acting. #Glee I don't normally watch Glee, but seeing as Demi is on it, I will be glued to my TV!!!


Thank again for reading, Please VOTE AND COMMENT :) I Love You

Deanna :)

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