Chapter 28 - Forever & Always

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Joe's Pov

-2 Hours Later-

I could tell Demi was in even more pain, I could tell that things were moving along quickly; the contractions were now coming every 1 or 2 minutes, sometimes even shorter than that.

"I can't --" she moaned as another contraction started

"You can" I replied

The last time Demi was examined was nearly an hour ago and she was due another examination soon; at the last examination she was 7cm dilated. Nearly there.

"I can't do this Joe" she groaned

"You can Dems, you are so close" I said as I put my hands on her stomach, it suddenly went really hard and then she held onto my again and moaned.

A midwife walked in and said "Miss Lovato, it's time for your next examiniation"

"She is in a lot of pain" I said

"She looks like she might be ready to push, or nearly there" the midwife replied

"I need---" Demi said before screaming in pain

Demi swayed her hips from side to side until the pain was over "I need to push!!"

"Okay" the midwife said "Let's get you on the bed and examine you, if you are ready, we can get you to start pushing"

"O-kay" Demi said

With mine and the midwifes' help, we managed to get Demi onto the bed and the midwife then put her gloves on "Okay" she said "Demi, feet together and legs apart"

"Aww" Demi groaned

The midwife examined Demi and then said "She's ready to push, let me just go and get the doctor" she then walked out of the room to get the doctor from the staffroom. 2 minutes later both the midwife and the doctor walked in.

"I understand that you are ready to have this baby" said the doctor

"Ye-yeah" said Demi

The doctor put her gloves on and sat on a chair at the end of the bed "Okay, Demi, I want you to put your legs up and then give me a hard push for as long as you can"


"Okay, one, two three, push" said the doctor

Demi's Pov

"Okay, one, two, three, push" said the doctor

I took a deep breath in and then held it there as I gave a big push, this really really hurt, but I would get to meet my baby soon. Two more pushes and I had nearly given birth to her head. "Just one more little push" said the doctor

I gave a small push "Okay, just breathe" the doctor said

I felt her moving as I breathed, with that I had given birth to her head. "One more big push and you will have your baby" said the doctor

I gave one more big push and that was it, it was all over; the room filled with a high pitched scream and I felt relieved to hear that.

Joe's Pov

Demi gave one last big push and then our daughter was born, screaming her lungs out. "Would you like to cut the cord Joe?" she asked

"Okay" I replied

I cut the cord and then the baby was taken over to a table and was cleaned up by the midwife and then wrapped in a towel before being handed to Demi "She's beautiful" Demi cooed.

"She sure is" I replied

Demi held her for a little while and then I held her, I kissed her forehead and then looked over towards Demi, who now, not being in pain was a lot better. She was tired and I could tell but I wanted to tell her something before she went to sleep.

"Demi?" I said, looking towards her

"Yeah" she replied

I took a deep breath and then said "Demi, No matter what happens, I will always be here for you. Forever and always."


Okay, so that is the end of this story :) Did you like it?

Please vote and comment and watch out for my new Jemi series which is going to be VERY different :)

Deeanna :)

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