Chapter 9 - That's Amazing

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-4 Weeks Later-

Demi’s Pov

Over the past 4 weeks I seem to have gotten much bigger, I can actually feel her when she move properly now, well I did this morning.

I woke up laying on my side, that’s the most comfortable position I can get into at the moment, she wasn’t moving last night, just lying in a really awkward position, I couldn’t find a comfy position so I didn’t get much sleep.

Joe moved closer and put his arm around me, he was facing me so he knew I was awake “Are you okay?” he asked

“Yeah, I just didn’t get much sleep; she was lying awkwardly”

“Oh” he replied placing one hand on my stomach

I felt her move so I moved Joe’s hand to the place where I felt it, he looked at my stomach as I moved his hand and then once he felt her he looking up at me, “You feel her?” I asked

He looked shocked “Yeah” he replied quite taken aback; this is the first time Joe has felt her move, whereas I have been feeling her move for the past 4 weeks, but I suppose the past 2 weeks properly.

We decided to get up, I had my 24 weeks scan today, it wasn’t until after lunch but as it was nearly 11am already we needed to get up, have something to eat and then get ready to go. I got up and went into the bathroom to get changed, I wore some black sweat pants and a white t-shirt, I put some bracelets on my wrists and I wore some flat black shoes; I haven’t been wearing heels recently, which I hate, but I simply can’t, it’s easier to just wear flats.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked downstairs and took my tablet, taking it has become a routine now, which is good I suppose. Joe and I ate some lunch, as it was too late for breakfast and we sat on the couch and watched a little TV to pass the time before we had to leave.

She started to move again when Joe turned on the TV, I guess because of the sound; I placed my hand on my stomach and rubbed it slightly. Joe looked over and looked at my hand that was now just resting on my stomach; I noticed so I grabbed his hand and placed it to where she was moving, he looked up at me and smiled, “That’s amazing”

“I know” I replied

 An hour later, we needed to leave for my appointment, we both got up and I grabbed my bag before we both headed out and got in Joe’s car; he drove us to the doctors.

We walked in, signed in at the front desk and then sat in the waiting room, soon Dr Reed came out and called my name; we followed her back into her room.

“How are things?” she asked when we both had sat down

“Well I’m a lot bigger” I replied “I have been feeling her move for the past 2 weeks and Joe started feeling her move this morning”

“That’s must have been amazing” she said looking at Joe

“Yeah, it sure was” he replied

“Okay Demi” Dr Reed said “Can you hop up onto the bed so we can do your scan”

“Okay” I replied getting up from my chair and getting onto the bed, Joe came and sat in the chair next to the bed and Dr Reed pulled the scanner closer the bed and wheeled her chair over.

“This might be a little cold” she said as she squeezed some gel from the bottle she was holding onto my stomach

Dr Reed then placed the scanner on my stomach and started moving it around, taking measurements of various parts of the baby’s body, she then said “Seems like a very healthy baby” I looked at Joe and smiled. Dr Reed then moved the scanner once more and said “And she is definitely a girl” I looked at Joe a giggled a little; Dr Reed then moved the scanner one more time pressed a few buttons on the machine and then handed me a picture.

“Thanks” I replied

“You’re Welcome” she said handing me a piece of tissue to wipe the gel off my stomach with

I wiped the remaining gel off of my stomach and then placed the tissue in the bin; Joe and I then went and sat back down in front of Dr Reed’s desk.

“Okay, everything seems to be good” she said “Can you make an appointment for 4 weeks’ time, when you will be 28 weeks pregnant”

“Yeah, sure” I replied

Joe and I then both got up and said goodbye before leaving, booking another appointment for 4 weeks’ time and then getting into Joe’s car.

Joe started up the engine and drove home

It’s amazing, this baby, I love her; I’ll admit, I wouldn’t have been saying this when I first found out I was pregnant, to be completely honest I kind of wished we had been more careful, but once I knew, I wasn’t going to give it up for the world.

She is amazing and every time she moved, although it feels weird, it’s also a relief because I know that she is okay. I know that I probably shouldn’t worry all the time, but I can’t help it.

Joe and I got home, went inside and had some dinner before heading to bed, I was tired so I ate dinner and then said that I was going to bed near enough straight away; Joe decided that he was going to come up at the same time.

We both lay there, facing each other, before I feel asleep I said “Joe”

“Yes Dems” he replied

“Let’s do a road trip soon”

“To where?” he asked

“I don’t know; let’s just see where it takes us”

“Okay, we will have to do that” he replied in a tone that was almost wondering where that idea came from

We both then feel asleep



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