3 - Sebastian

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"Jesus..." a guy said in the hallway as I got my stuff from my locker. "This is utter chaos. Two tests today? Are you serious?"

I rolled my eyes as I caught all my books and notebooks, shutting my locker seconds later.

Welcome to my world. I have four, asshole.

"Dude, that sucks," his friend said. "I only have one, and that's scaring me!"

I just sighed and shook my head, about to start walking, but hurried curses echoed through the walls, and I stilled when I heard someone tumble down the hall.

I gazed around in a hurry, but there was nowhere I could go, so I sank into the lockers, hoping they wouldn't run into me.

But they did, of course.

Her shoulder slammed against mine, and I cried out, all my books slipping from my grip as I caught the wall, and I watched as they scattered all over the floor.

I gazed up, glaring.

The girl only spun around, waving to me in apology. "Sorry! I would help but I'm going to be late!"

And she continued down the hall.

I sighed, rolling my eyes as I dropped to the ground, pushing my books to one pile.

Every time.

But—all the sudden—a sound came from next to me; a chuckle, and a deep voice, "Need help?"

I gazed up, blinking when a tall man with short, black locks and dark, grey eyes dropped to his knees and started helping me gather my books.

I started piling them as he did the same, and I gazed up as he sat on his knees, finishing with the last book.

"Hey..." I said, narrowing my eyes as he gazed up at me, "I know you. You're in my heath class."

The boy just smiled, though his eyes were a little dark for comfort. "I am."

"You're..." I said, "Sebastian, right?"

He smirked and nodded. "And you must be Skye."

I laughed softly. "Yeah."

He pushed my books, so they were stacked better. "You gotta be careful, Kiki, okay?"

"Oka—" I broke off, pausing. "Wait...."

He gazed up, brows arching.

"What...?" I said, looking at him fully. "What did you just call me?"

He smiled then, and I almost winced at the amusement in his gaze. "I called you, Kiki. It sounds heavenly. You like heavenly things, don't you?"

I stilled then, staring at him in horror.

His smile only titled. "What's wrong?"

I continued staring, trying to comprehend what was happening.

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