4 - Insane

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"Thanks, mom," I said, smiling as I did my homework on the kitchen counter.

"Don't stay up too late, okay?" mom said over the phone. "We won't be home until late. Boss called another meeting, of course."

"Of course," I replied, clicking my math equation into the calculator. "I feel like you should expect that by now."

"Yeah..." she said, "probably. Well, I gotta go. Love you, Honey."

"Love you, mom," I said, pressing the "end-call" button.

I sighed and grabbed my earbuds from their case, pressing them in my ears while clicking my favorite playlist.

Despite the music, I could barely focus on my math homework...

My mind was racing.

Health education was the second class today, and the other two went by quicker... and I hadn't seen Sebastian since.

I wondered what he was doing—I wondered if he always hid in the shadows—because this was entirely confusing to me.

Was I seriously letting a man I didn't know crawl through my window every night?

Honestly... how long had he been doing this? Was this why he continuously asked me to be quiet?

He didn't want my parents to hear.

I squinted down at my paper as I boxed the answer to my calculous problem.

I didn't understand what his motive was.

I knew I came up with the "I'm dreaming" thing, so it might've been natural that he played along... but this had been going on for months at the very least...

Why the hell was he showing now? This was insane. Was he just messing with me?

But I just boxed the last answer and shut my workbook, staring off into the distance as pop music played into my ear buds.

Maybe... maybe he was messing with me.

Maybe he overheard me talking about it to my friends and he was just messing with me.

Why, though? For jokes and laughs?

And why did he look so... menacing?

I thought harder.

And if this wasn't real... why did he say in my "dream"... that if I didn't make things thrilling, he would?

It made sense whether or not I wanted to believe it... Last night—if it really happened—he told me he would make things thrilling, and today at school, he finally showed his face.


And he did.

He made things thrilling.

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