8 - Breaking and Entering is a Crime

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"Good morning," Sebastian said.

I screamed, waking up suddenly.

He just chuckled. "Every time."

I stared, gasping.

I fell asleep again! What the hell was wrong with me?

The moment I realized the knife was on the table, I shot out to grab it...

But Sebastian looked down curiously and caught it, making me stiffen.

He stared at the knife for a moment, and I just sank further into the couch.

No... don't...

Something odd flashed through his eyes... confusion maybe? And he gazed back up at me, smirking suddenly.

But what was that... confusion...?

"This is dangerous," he told me, laughing. "Don't you know it's not a good idea to keep knives on tables? You can accidentally drop it, you know."

I stared as he got up and stepped back to the kitchen, and I noticed he was clutching the knife tightly—almost painfully.

And he slid it back into the block, gazing back over at me. "See? All better."

I just stared at him, breathing shallowly. "Get out."

He gave me a look. "This again?"

"I don't know how you keep getting in!" I told him. "You're freaking me out, so get out! Understand?"

His lips thinned.

"And stop coming in here!" I yelled to him. "Or that knife will no longer be in the block and instead in those pretty eyes of yours!"

He smirked despite my threat. "You think my eyes are pretty?"

"GET OUT!" I yelled.

He just kept the smile and nodding, opening the front door and closing it behind him seconds later.

I then ran over to the door and locked it behind him, making my way back over to the knife block and pulling my weapon back out.

God he was scaring me, but god...

Did he have... pretty eyes.

I just shook my head.

But a sudden shadow rushed at my right, and I quickly gazed up, throat constricting.

"Sebastian?" I said. "I thought I told you to get out."

But another shadow to my left, and I flipped around, finding nothing there.


And then another came from my right again, and I pulled the knife out, heart pounding hard against my chest.

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