41 - Whoops

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"Back straight?" Sebastian inquired, in his fighting stance. "Legs apart. Arms to your chest."

I waved his response away. "I'm ready, come at me!"

His eyes darkened. "I'm not playing nice."

"Come at me," I said.

He lunged forward, and I countered his punch by ducking, and he just smirked, remaining above me and threw his fists down.

I just gracefully slid out from under his legs and stood fully behind him, and he spun around, a grin splitting his face.

"Too slow," I taunted.

He stood up straight, shaking his head. "No, I was going easy on you."

I laughed. "You liar. I'm better than you, admit it."

His eyes glowed a dangerous red, and I stilled. "No one's better than me," he promised in a low tone.

And he vanished.

I shot up, spinning around and looking for him, but he was gone.

Panic brimmed inside me, but for some reason, I wasn't running.

I searched the room, temples dampening from sweat...

But I just heard a voice from behind me:

"Too slow."

Before I could turn, Sebastian's ankle slammed into my calves, and I yelped, falling forward.

I tried to catch myself like he taught me an hour ago; flip up your feet and steady them on the part of the ground he didn't strike me with, so I lifted my knees, about to position myself...

But right as I landed on the ground, I realized that I landed on the edges of my feet rather than the full foot, but before I could react... my right foot rolled over, and I heard a snap echo through the air, though I felt no pain.

I slammed—face first—onto the ground, wincing as a sudden pain struck through me, but there was something...

Something was hot and swirling at my ankle.

After a moment, Sebastian was kneeling by my side, clearly concerned. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were going to catch yourself. Do you need help?"

I shook my head, keeping my strength as I pushed my hands up, attempting to stand...

But the moment my right foot touched the ground, fire struck up my leg, and I cried out, collapsing back onto the ground.

I caught myself on my hands, though Sebastian's arms were already around me, guiding me to turn over so I faced him.

I winced again when my foot lightly touched the ground, feeling heat swell around my ankle as well as a pounding ache.

"Did you hurt yourself?" he whispered, helping me sit.

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