45 - Something's... wrong

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"Does that feel good?" Sebastian whispered, gently kneading the skin of my back.

"Stop saying that..." I muttered, face pressed in the sheets, "it's so...."

"Kinky?" he said, amused.

I groaned in annoyance. "No, weird. All you're doing is massaging my back."

He only chuckled.

In fact... it was quite the opposite.

Wait... what was the opposite of sex?

Okay, I needed to stop thinking about this.

I'd been lying on my bed, belly down and playing on my phone, and Sebastian walked in and suddenly started massaging my back.

And—of course—my response was, "please don't stop" because my back felt like it had a million knots.

He just sat on the bed and continued, but of course he had to tease me.

"Okay... please don't stop. That feels nice."

He chuckled. "Are you begging for more, Skye?"

I glared at him. "Stop it. You're making me...."


"Embarrassed," I corrected, pressing my face down. "But... please continue."

He chuckled again.

"Does your back hurt?" he said, still kneading my muscles through my T-shirt.

"Yes..." I whispered.

"Alright," he whispered, brushing my hair away from my neck. "Am I making it better or worse?"

"Better..." I said again, voice muffled with the sheets.

He chuckled and kept kneading, and I felt him watching me.

After a moment, he finally said, "Skye, you're very tense. Relax a little, okay?"

I parted my lashes. "I'm always tense."

"That's why your back is hurting," he commented, still pressing into my skin. "Relax, okay?"

I tried to, but I didn't succeed well. "I can't."

He sighed and lowered himself on the bed next to me, and I glanced over when his hands set on my back.

He just brushed his palm up my shoulder blade, making me shiver at the soothing chills running through me.

"Better?" he said then.

I closed my eyes tightly as he continued rubbing my back with a gentleness I didn't know he had.

After a moment, I heard him shuffle closer. "There you go, you're melting."

I parted my lashes when he lightly kissed my neck, continuing to rub my back as he set his head on my shoulder blade.

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