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Chuuya didn't really like the dungeon, also known as the torture chamber. It has been there long before he joined the mafia. It was one of his least favourite places in the whole port mafia base. Mostly because of the strong stench of blood and the grimy mix of mould and blood covering the walls and floors. 

He had hired a clean team working under the port mafia to get rid of bodies. However, even they found the cleaning there daunting. Some had fainted and threw up upon reaching the place, making it very hard to clean the whole place up. The ginger could always hear the hesitation in their voices when he gave the orders. He could understand why so he decided to give up on calling them and decided to leave the dungeon just like it was.

The dungeon had lines of cells to hold individuals until one of the torture specialists or executives could 'interrogate' them. After walking past the liens of cells, hearing the constant begging and wails of those kept inside, you'll meet a pillar in the middle of the empty space, a door in place so that those in the cells could not see nor hear what was going on in the room where the interrogation is held.

Once done with torturing as much information as they could out of the poor soul, they'll be swiftly killed and usable organs will be harvested in a separate room with specialists to be sold either to merchants and the black market or be sent to family members or related victims to warn them that the port mafia was onto them. The rest of the body would be either given to the starved port mafia dogs, vicious and feared for their razor sharp teeth, the second option would be to burn the body and discard of the ash.

Making his way down to the torture chamber, down the 'stairs of doom'. He once heard that phrase when members were talking about it and he managed to catch it. He quite liked the nickname. It showed and represented how utterly terrifying the mafia was.

Gesturing for the men at the door separating the cells and torture chamber to close the door, the ginger glanced at the brunette who was chained to the pillar in the middle of the confined room, blood engulfed his senses once he had the slam  of the door closing and locking.

He sighed when he saw the brunette glaring at him.

"Cooperate with me and I'll unchain you."

Dazai, despite being reluctant, nodded solemnly.

"You want me to join the mafia again right?"

Chuuya was surprised the other actually initiated and spoke first.

The ginger merely shook his head.

"I'll like to apologise first. Seems like I misunderstood the whole situation. I assure you Midori along with her ability friend would be kicked out of the mafia."

The brunette's fingers flexed as his eyes narrowed, "They'll get kicked out?"

The ginger smiled and nodded. Seems like everything was going along well-

"I want them killed."

The ginger's eyes widened in surprise.

"Is that right?"

He was already intending on killing them in the first place but he phrased it in a nicer way for the brunette, scared that it'll make him even more reluctant to rejoin the mafia. His goal was for the brunette to join the mafia again but on his own accord so that there was no bad blpod between them and they could still have a friendly relationship.

However, it seemed that his plan wasn't really going that smoothly.

The brunette's reply seemed to break his trail of current thoughts.

"I had men cat calling me across the road and trying to push me into alley ways seconds after I left the mafia. Do you expect me to forgive and forget?" 

Chuuya, only then realise his ex-right hand man was not the man he seemed to be initially. The ginger knew that this brunette was a disguised devil. From solving the unsolvable to his sudden change of attitude when angry, it was all giving red flag signs that this man wasn't an innocent angel as he appeared to be.

The ginger however, found himself laughing to himself in amusement, this brunette has made him genuinely laugh two times now. He was really taking a liking to Dazai.

The brunette raised a brow at the ginger's laughter.

Before the taller could say anything, the ginger smiled as he bent down to the brunette's level.

"Let's make a deal. How about you join back the mafia and I'll get them killed immediately, in front of you just for evidence." 

The brunette scoffed, "You're not tricking me. You were going to kill them anyways." 

The port mafia boss frowned, this brunette was too smart for his own good.

The ginger changed tatic, he didn't care about having a friendly relationship anymore. Fuck that. The port mafia needed Dazai's smarts and he wasn't going to let it go that easily. Chuuya had slowly came to realise that he has picked up these kind of thoughts from the previous port mafia boss which was a forbidden topic now.

His gloved fingers threaded through the brunette's surprisingly neat and untangled hair. He hummed at Dazai's confusion as he tried to pull away, only for the chains to obstruct him.

In a swift motion, the ginger pulled on a large lock of the brunette's hair roughly, earning a wince from the other. Chuuya's smile faltered as a cold look replaced his initial happy one. He could look intimidating if he really wanted to and the brunette couldn't help but fell a sudden shiver down his spine, but he didn't show it. His face remained composed and no emotions was available. He could feel the stinging of his scalp.

"Well guess what you brat. You have a debt and you'll either have to work for me or sell your body on the streets. I'm pretty sure you don't want that. If not, my men would've have found your naked body on one of the abandoned alleys near the mafia." 

The brunette grit his teeth at what the ginger said which was most definitely the truth. but he still managed a smirk.

"Then kill me. I will suffer no loss. However, unlike me, you are desperate for my smarts. You can't kill me either." 

The ginger sighed, letting loose on the brunette's hair.

He was really running out of ideas. He was sure the brunette wasn't scared of getting tortured either and he didn't want to risk the brunette going into trauma and damaging his brain. Then he will really actually suffer a loss.

Chuuya bit his lip, catching a glimpse of the brunette smirking at him with lazy eyes. It was an irritating look, it annoyed the port mafia boss to the core. That's when he remembered the brunette's and his own words he had said minutes ago.

He smiled, removing his coat from his shoulders and kneeling down to the brunette to look him straight in the eye.

He got another idea...

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