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The ginger hummed, twisting the paper clip between his fingers as he knocked on Kouyou's door. Upon hearing the pink hair woman acknowledge, the ginger pushed open the door and passed the paper clip to the other who raised a brow.

"I don't need anymore, Chuuya."

She pulled open her drawer to show the other her box full of paper clips.

"No, that's not it Ane-san. Does it look familiar to you?"

The pink haired scrutinised the paper clip for a while before replying, "I've seen it before but I'm not sure where. Where did you find it?"

"It was clipped on Ace's coat."

The pink haired sighed, "That man does many weird things. I'm not surprised if he had a paper clip in his hair either."

The ginger snorted.

None of his executives seemed to like Ace in the first place. He was different from the rest. Different goals and different methods.

The ginger glanced at the paper clip before placing it on thw other's table, "Must be me then..."

The pink haired hummed, reaching to take the paper clip to place it into her stash hut the ginger abruptly stopped her with a chuckled.

"It's okay, I'll hold on to it."

Kouyou raised a brow before she nodded.

Chuuya received the paper clip as he took one last look at it before placing it back into his pocket.


The white haired frowned as he glanced at the blue haired who bowed at him at greeting.

"I don't think that drug you're using is working."

Kaito raised a brow, "It isn't?"

"Boss found a paper clip on my coat. Theat brat must have done it when I thought he was asleep."

Kaito's eyes widened, "I gave him the same drug again."

Ace nodded, gesturing for the other to move from the door as he entered and indeed the other was awake.

"Should I increase the dosage then." The other whispered, cautious that the other was awake.

How could he possibly trick him?

Ace's eyes narrowed, "No...wait."

The white haired approached the sleeping brunette, crouching down as he hummed.

He forcefully opened the other's mouth by his chin and glanced inside.

"No pill in his mouth. Does he resist when you feed him the pill?"

The blue haired shook his head, "He rakes it willingly, saying that he wants to sleep."

Ace frowned once more, "This brat..."

Ace stood back up, "Watch him swallow it next time."

Kaito nodded as he bowed goodbye to the other.


The ginger sighed, it was once again a trying day. He pulled open the drawer of his desk, pulling out the completed paper work to check it again, it was of important documents containing the trading.

However, something caught has eyes when he saw the paper clip pinning all the papers together. A paper clip with a gold tint. 

The ginger's eyes widened as he fished out the paper clip from his pocket. He placed it beside the paper clip on the paper and did a comparison. The screeching of a chair dragging across the floor echoes in the office as the ginger slammed the door close.

Walking down to the port mafia's basement, the ginger was met with the rose red door as he knocked a standard three times before entering.

A blue haired raised a brow, "Boss?"

The ginger glanced at the other and asks urgently, "Where's Ace?"

The other replies, "He's out to deliver his reports to Kouyou-sama. Is there a problem?"

The ginger ignored the other and left the room with haste, making his way to Kouyou's office instead.

Kaito's eyes narrowed as he walked to the desk in the middle of the room and pressed one of the buttons, underneath the desk.


Ace felt the vibration in his pants pocket as his eyes narrowed, he placed the reports on Kouyou's table. The pink haired raised a brow.

"Is there a problem?"

"Yes, I have a call to make. If you'll excuse me..."

Kouyou nodded understandingly as the white haired opened the door but his eyes widened in shock when he came face to face with the ginger. Kouyou watched as the ginger pushed himself into her office, closing the door.

"Boss..." Ace smile, feigning surprise to hide his anxiousness.

"Nice seeing you here? Why so hurried?"

The ginger scoffed before asking abruptly, "Where's Dazai?"

Ace raised a brow, faking confusion.

"Isn't he on his one week holiday?"

"No he's not. Where is he?"

Kouyou's eyes narrowed as she stood, silently making her way to the ginger's side.

Ace continued his act, "Has something happened to him?" Worry plastered on his face.

The ginger frowned, "Cut the bullshit."

Ace bit his lip, "I have no idea. I can check the hotel if you'll like."

Kouyou, at that moment, spoke up, "Lad, I suggest you stop lying and tell our boss what he wants to know."

Ace sighed, knowing he lost but he always had a back up plan.

His attitude changed 180 as he looked down, "I can't tell you..."

Chuuya's eyes narrowed dangerously, fist clenching as the paper clip in his hand bent before breaking due to the force. The ginger illuminated red as he warned the other, "Better tell me."

Kouyou frowned, "Calm down lad, we can figure this out."

Ace quickly intervened, "I'll be killed if I tell you."

The ginger seemed to freeze up at that, clenched hand opening up as he exhaled slowly.

"Someone's threatening you?"

Ace nodded frantically, glancing around the office as if he was afraid of being heard. He unbuttoned the first two buttons of his vest, presenting a collar wrapped tightly around his neck, it looked like it won't come off easily. 

" of my subordinates turned against me. He's taken Dazai captive and has forced me not to tell you."

Chuuya hummed in that, seemingly deep in thought. He dropped the broken paper clip and made his way out of Kouyou's office, "Being me to him."


Hello everyone. Sorry for the late update. I was on a short vacation and couldn't update my story. I'm finally back and will be regularly updating my books again. Thank you for your patience and understadning.

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