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The ginger hummed as he lazily placed his hand on his pent house hand recognition. He had upgraded the security by tenfold after what happened. More guards were one of the multiple things he added and when the guard's lunch break came, shifts were changed immediately.

Locks were in place not only at the front door but at the gate and were opened only when Chuuya gave permission. Dazai said it was him being dramatic but he didn't have a say in this, especially when he was the one who got kidnapped. Guards went through surprise checks by Akutagawa to check identification and weapon range. 

The ginger closed the door, slyly eyeing the guards positioned at the front gate as they marched around occasionally before closing the door and locking it. He was met with his right hand man, or lover slouching on the couch, watching a documentary, a concerning one which will not be mentioned as the ginger hung his coat up on the nearby coat hanger.

Upon closer inspection, Dazai was snuggled up in one of Chuuya's 'never used' blankets which were given to him by Kouyou when he got the pent house, saying he could use it as a rug or towel or whatever purpose he needs it. The ginger had folded it all neatly, placing them into one of the many cupboards in the empty penthouse. 

He washes them occasionally, knowing how dusty they could get.

"How did you find that?" Chuuya mumbled as he squatted down to give a peck to the brunette's head who flinched away from the kiss. Dazai was still not used to the touches of affection, finding Chuuya kissing him or giving him a peck weird and awkward. It was usually a peck on the cheek or forehead, nothing else. Yet...

"I found them all folded on the second level store room."

The ginger sighed, "Why did you go up there anyways?"

The brunette shrugged, "I was cold."

Maybe it was just a Dazai thing to be cold when Chuuya was hot, unbearably so. It was just the start of summer and even Chuuya took pity on the guards patrolling his penthouse then he installed fans for them during duty and one of his mafia subordinates will come to deliver ice coffee. He had to say that being a guard must be a dream to most. Well, it was oily during summer. During winter, it's a different story and a tear to his bank account. But nothing he can't afford.

The ginger raised a brow at the brunette's eyes keenly watching the documentary in front of him before pulling the blanket over him even more. Chuuya glanced over to the air conditioning controller before shaking his head in disbelief. It wasn't even that cold...

Well, whatever Dazai wanted.

The brunette was given a full week off work due to the whole 'secret compartment in the walls' incident. The ginger will definitely say yes to an extend anyways. Chuuya sighed in annoyance, thinking about all his members continuously knocking on walls and peeling off wallpaper to see fi there were any more secret rooms they didn't know off.

Dazai's eyes lazily looked at the ginger who was resting his head on the armrest of the couch as he watched the documentary, his expression showing that he was bored and he had no interest in what he was watching.

The brunette pushed himself up right with his arms before standing up, carefully wrapping the blanket around himself, not letting the corners of the blanket touch the ground. Chuuya seemingly jerked up at that, observant eyes following him.

The ginger hadn't let Dazai off his radar since two days ago when he was finally found. The ginger pestered him to eat food due to having nothing except water which Kaito kindly gave him a mere drop every hour for almost a week. He didn't feel hungry though, hunger was long lose and replaced with anxiousness when that he wasn't going to be found and that Chuuya abandoned him.

He had yet to tell Chuuya his fear of being abandoned in that room and that he thought the ginger forgot about him. He knew the other would just assure him he would never, especially with how he was acting now.

His train of thoughts snapped when his waist bumped against the kitchen counter. He reached up to get one of the many fancy cups on the shelves. Even the brunette would never know why the ginger had so many home appliances when he was the only one living here initially. 

He had already memorised and familiarised himself with all the fancy coffee machines and dryers in the past two days. He pressed the buttons gently on the machine, watching as the hot chocolate flowed to fill up the cup and stopping it before it overflowed.

When he picked up the cup and turned around, he had found Chuuya looking back at the television again. He must've have realised Dazai wasn't going to do anything dangerous and resumed his watching. The brunette grabbed the cup and passed it to the ginger who seemed surprised at the gesture before thanking him softly and sipping at the hot chocolate.

But moments like this didn't last long as the ginger's phone rang as it's annoying tone echoed in the pent house. Dazai really wanted to throw the phone out of the door and maybe asked the guards to drive the car over it a few times and shove the cup of hot cholate up Chuuya's face, forcing him to drink it. But, he restrained himself.

He watched at the older walked away with phone in hand, mumbling a few 'yes' before hanging up and to Dazais surprise, he came walking  back and sitting next to him.

"Ace is coming so don't mind him."

"Oh." Dazai replied, no emotion in the one word he uttered.

Oh, indeed. The brunette's fingers ghosted across the side of his neck before his hand dropped to the side when he noticed Chuuya eyeing him.

"Something wrong?" The ginger asked, concern laced his words.

What an overthinker...

"Nothing." The brunette mumbled back as the ginger hummed, intertwining hands with the brunette who clenched back.

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