A clue

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"It seems the poison I placed in your coffee did the trick." The blue haired said as he glanced at the brunette, tied up.

Dazai scoffed, "I drank it on purpose. I wanted to find out who the rat was after all." The blue haired nodded understandingly, "Well, look at you now."

Kaito raised a brow as he continued, "No one's going to save you and you're still this calm?"

Dazai nodded, "No one? What do you think Chuuya will do if he found me missing?"

The other smirked, "Oh, you mean the port mafia boss you're dating. I doubt he'll come."

The brunette raised a brow and Kaito, noticing that, smiled, "Do you really think he cares for you? He's dating you because he pities you."

Kaito hummed as he suggested, "But I may be wrong. But let's see if he'll come for you. This place is quite hard to find so let's give him a week. If he does come for you well...I'm screwed but if he doesn't... I'm sure you know what will happen."

The brunette's eyes narrowed, not laughing at all at the others' sarcasm, his confidence fading slowly as he nodded hesitantly. A week...Chuuya will find him a week, he's sure of it.


The ginger however was oblivious to the obvious danger Dazai was in, just hoping the other would come back after a week. He'll remove all work from the brunette's shoulders if needed.

He was highly suspicious when Ace gave him the letters knowing how much Dazai was particular about messages given and received but he thought nothing of it when he recognised the other's similar handwriting on the paper.

Kouyou however didn't trust that scheming white haired whatsoever, her eyes glancing between Chuuya and his office doors as if expecting someone to enter.

She asked again,"Chuuya shouldn't you check on Dazai? See if he's okay?"

The ginger sighed as he placed his pen down gently before gazing at the other, "He already told me not to contact him and I want to respect that. If he's in danger, he'll call me himself."

The pink haired mumbled a 'okay' as she sighed.

With that, a boring day without the brunette passed, kouyou keeping Chuuya accompanied and acting as the temporary right hand man.


"How is he? Rebellious?"

The blue haired shook his head, "Not at all. He seems confident that his boyfriend will come get him."

Ace chuckled, "I'll love to crush on those hopes."

The white haired entered the room he was currently using to contain the brunette as he noticed the other was knocked out.

He glanced at Kaito, raising a brow, "You gave him some sort of drug?"

"A small amount since you wanted to see him."

Ace nodded approvingly, he couldn't have the genius right hand man finding out who he was.

He approached the other, finally taking the time to observe the other. Plain and not the ksot attractive. He still wondered how did his boss fell for him, a man in debt as well.

The white haired sighed, tilting the other's head upwards to see if the other was faking his sleep but upon seeing no reaction nor resistance, he was rest assured the other was unconscious.

He turned to face the other, "You used rope to tie him up?"

"I heard he's good in picking locks."

"He is huh?" The white haired muttered, eyes narrowing before taking a last look at the other before leaving.

"Keep an eye on him."

With a determined nod, Ace left silently.


The second day passed by rather boringly, the ginger had no one to talk to since Kouyou had her own paper work and missions to finish.

Chuuya leaned into his chair as he sighed, it was quite ehxuasitn got do all the reports by himself. No wonder the brunette had to have a break.

He'll surely thank the other and distribute the work evenly when the other comes back.

With that, the second day past without much commotion and the ginger still believing that his liver was fine and safe.


"He's taking quite a long time to come here, isn't he?"

The brunette didn't answer and instead leaned his head against the wall. His wrists were staring to hurt from being tied up the whole time.

Thankfully, due to his inconsistent eating and drinking schedule he wasn't experiencing hunger nor thirst yet. But he knew he would be very soon. Sleep wasn't his friend either so he was awake most of the time.

The brunette flexed his fingers before yanwing softly. Though he wasn't tired, he was bored.

The blue haired would just sit there all day and stare at him, sometimes going for a lunch break for a mere fifteen minutes before sitting back down and staring at him.

Dazai didn't know what was so interesting about him that Kaito had to constantly stare at him for but as long as the other did nothing, it was fine.

The blue haired not receiving an answer from the younger, continued, "Are you sure he will come?"

The brunette nodded slowly. It was the second day and the ginger showed no sign of coming to get him, especially from how calm Kaito was acting but it could always be an act.

"I hope he does." The blue haired said sarcastically before resuming his staring.


The ginger, completely restless on the third day, was tapping his pencil
impatiently on his oak desk.

He stood up rather abruptly as he walked out of his office. He would be lying if he wasn't worry because he wasn't used to not contacting the other for a whole week but he decided to respect the other's decision.

He passed by Ace who smiled and greeted him, starting a small civersatipn. Most likely he was bored too. There wasn't much interesting things happening now, escpailly since the port mafia became one of the strongest, no one dared to pick a fight with them.

"You seem tired, Boss."

"Because Dazai's gone."

Ace seemed to smile at that, "You should get some rest."

The ginger nodded lazily as he bid the other goodbye.

As Ace passed him, something caught the ginger's eye as he called the other to stop.

The white haired raised a brow and turned. Chuuya gently pulled the paper clip which was clipped onto Ace's coat.

Hmm..looked familiar.

Ace's eyes seemed to widen before he chuckled, "Don't worry boss, I out there there just in case of emergencies. It also helps to clip the two layers of my coat together."

The ginger, raised a brow as he observed the paper clip before he stuffed it in his pocket and nodded, "Can I borrow it, I was looking for Ane-san to get a box of paper clips to clip my reports together."

Ace nodded, "Of course, it's all yours."

With hat, the ginger waved goodbye to the other and walked off.

Resuming his walk to Kouyou's office, the ginger fished out the paper clip from his pocket, looking at it.

Now that he took a closer look at it, the paper clip had a gold tint to it. It was quite familiar...

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