A bet

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The brunette stared at him blankly, seemingly processing what the ginger had just said to him.

"What are you saying? You're my boss and I'm your right hand man. What do you think will happen to your reputation?"

The ginger rolled his eyes, "I'm the port mafia boss. No one can say anything even if they wanted to."

The brunette blushed, "Why me?"

The ginger smirked, "Why not you?"

The brunette scoffed, turning to avoid the other's confident gaze. He was about to reject before Chuuya continued, "Before you answer, I want you to think about it."

But he already thought about it. Getting into a relationship with a mafia boss wasn't really an ideal situation. But it might help his debt and he could quickly leave the dark side and do something with his life. A few sacrifices were worth it.

He turned to face the other who was waiting patiently.

"I accept. You'll help me with my debt right?"

The ginger smiled and nodded, "What kind of lover would I be if I didn't help my boyfriend out?"

The brunette's cheeks tinted red at how the ginger called him, not fully used to the new names.


The brunette raised a brow, "I'll only take away half. And you'll have to work for the rest. Can't have you leaving me so soon."

The brunette internally groaned but nodded his heaad reluctantly. At least he only had 3 million left.

The ginger smiled charmingly as he approached the other, snaking an arm around the other's waist.

The brunette willed himself to not resist it and not pushing the other away, continuously reminding himself that it was for his debt and that only.

The ginger leaned in and instead gave a peck on the other's cheek. The brunette stared surprised at the other.

"To us and our newfound relationship."


The white haired slammed his hands on the table, exclaiming, "How could this happen?"

"Ace, calm down. It won't hinder our plan much."

The said man screamed in frustration, "They're dating!"

The other frantically answered, doing anything in his power to quell the other's anger, "He must be daring Nakahara for his debt. There's no real affection!"

That seemedto do the trick, Ace nodded, exhaling out slowly, "That's right. I'll just have to push that brat off the edge."


The pink haired squealed as she followed the ginger down the hallway. She has been busy persuading the ginger to tell her more.

"So? How did it go?"

Chuuya sighed, "Ane-san, I already told you. We're only dating."

The pink haired giggled to herself, kimono sleeve hiding her smile.


The ginger immediately turned to face the other approaching him as a smile plastered on his face as Kouyou stared at the other with a smile. She was happy for the ginger.

Chuuya welcomed the brunette with both arms which the brunette merely rolled his eyes at but hugged the other before passing a report file to the older.

"Report for the traitors."

The ginger thanked the other before waving at the other who was already on his way to finish another task as a busy right hand man.

"You two look so sweet together."

Kouyou and Chuuya glanced at the white haired man who seemed to have been walking through the hallways.

"Ace..." The pink haired woman seemed to lose her initial enthusiasm and stepped to the side for the white haired man to step to the side.

"Hope you keep a close eye on him, boss."

The ginger raised a brow, "Why do you say that?

Ace smiled innocently, completely opposite of what was dwelling in his mind, "For all you know, your right hand man is taking advantage of you."

The pink haired seemed to be personally offended at that as she was about to say something to defend the main person of the conversation but the ginger beat her to it.

The ginger smirked as he confidently suggested, "Let's make a bet, Ace. I know you love those. Whether Dazai will love me genuinely by the time she pays me back the three million he owes me."

The white haired man seemed intrigued, confident at the least.

"I'll have to take up that offer. If I'm right, I'll have a job promotion I assume?"

The ginger hummed, "You'll be my right hand man. But if I win, you'll have to apologise to the Dazai and you won't be promoted and instead get a job at a lower status. Deal?"

The white haired man smiled, "Of course boss, I look forward to the results."

With that, Ace bowed respectfully to the two before leaving.

Kouyou frowned, "Chuuya, are you sure that was the right decision?"

The ginger sighed, "I'm honestly not sure but I'll try my best. After all, I don't want Ace to be my right hand man. There's a reason why he's been an executive for so long."

The pink haired woman nodded, "This is a secret between us Ane-san. You can't tell Dazai or I'll be called out for cheating."

Kouyou hummed thoughtfully before following the other back to his office.

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