Walls have ears

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The ginger being frustrated and angry was an understatement. He was currently ordering all his clueless subordinates to find clues of where Dazai could be.

The mafiasos were all raising brows but could only obey the orders they were given by their boss. They couldn't help but feel shivers down their spines when they were met with Chuuya's cold glare. They had never seen him so...angry before.

The ginger was always known to be a calm and cheerful boss. Due to his undefeatable ability and strength, he was mostly calm during attacks, missions or whatsoever. He was bored most of the time due to piling paper work.

You can imagine the happiness one felt when Chuuya remembered each member's name. His memory was his weapon, knowing each name with precise accuracy.

That was why his subordinates were rushing around the mafia hallways, murmurs in each room and the hasty tapping of keyboards in offices.

Hirotsu couldn't help the frown that crawled up his face when he saw the ginger pacing around his own office, his ability tempering on and off sometimes and his whole collection of pens were getting either crushed or bent into unfamiliar sizes.

"Chuuya...calm down. We'll find him." The grey haired did the best he could do to quell his boss's anger.

"We need to find him by tomorrow!"

Kouyou and Hirotsu glanced at each other before biting their lips in sync. They weren't sure their own subordinates could find a man in such a short period of time, especially with so little to no clues.

"If I don't find Dazai by the end of this week, he's going to lose all faith in me!" The ginger continues to exclaim as Kouyou sighed. She had already explained about the bet Chuuya has with Ace but both of them knew that wasn't in his mind now.

Phone ringing made the ginger cease in his pacing as he rushed to pick up the phone. Hirotsu and Kouyou held their breath and winced slightly when the ginger slammed his own phone down onto the table with so much force, the desk creaked.

"Lad be gentle. Your phone may explode." She had said that in a figurative and literal way.

"I can just buy another one." The ginger mumbled back.

Kouyou looked in disbelief at her boss. Chuuya had never been wasteful even though he had all the money to spend in the world. He always saved everything he could. A value Kouyou couldn't find in anyone else, nor in the previous boss.

Hirotsu seemed to have noticed the same problem as well. His eyes widened slightly but he quickly composed himself as he cleared his throat slightly, as if he was thinking hard on how to calm Chuuya down.

A sudden knock echoed in the office as the ginger glanced at the door.

"Come in."He announced, sitting himself down on his seat.

Few seconds of silence and Chuuya raised a brow, using his ability to open his office door. He emitted a confused noise when he saw no one.

"Someone's pranking me at a time like this?? The ginger exclaimed as he grit his teeth.

Just then, another knock echoed as the ginger raised a confused brow.

Kouyou and Hirotsu's guard was up as they observed the office.

Chuuya stood up abruptly as he walked to his book shelf and instead raised his powerful leg and kicked the wall, making a thunderous sound.

Kouyou was about to tell her boss off before Hirtosu stopped her and motioned for her to listen.

After that thunderous kick which was most likely heard by many, another knock sounded as if replying.

Chuuya hummed thoughtfully as he swerved around quickly, looking at his two loyal surbodinates, and ordering, "I want the walls checked."

Kouyou and Jirtosu immediately nodded, rushing out of the room and sending the command out to everyone.


In one hour, everyone in the port mafia was busy knocking on the walls, trying to find a hollow sound in the walls.

Chuuya was still in his office, by himself, ears out to try and hear any knocking of any sort.

For the past hour, Chuuya has caught multiple knocks. He was doubtful by he had hope that dazai was somewhere in the port mafia building.

He had fromed a chart and was trying his best to do morsecode by hearing the knocks just in case it was a hidden message.

He bad formed a 'A' and 'C'.

He did wonder why it took so long to form just two alphabets. But Chuuya didn't know where the 'person' was and didn't know what state they were in.

A knock sounded again as Chuuya jekrked up and wrote down the last dot and he matched the alphabets up.

The ginger eye's widened as he muttered, "Ace..."


Sorry everyone for the late chapter. Three chapters at most for a week due to exams and homework piling up.

Thank you for reading!

Many of you have been asking in the comments whether I could write a story of this and that or maybe a continuation of a certain story. Please do private message me if you have any requests. Thank you!🌟🌟🌟

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